

Minecraft is a downright fun game, and I love being able to play it in a community setting. It's got survival, mining, crafting, and building. But let's say you get done with your house or home or current project. What now? Expand the map and start over?

I say we come up with some activities or organize somehow. Something for us to do regularly or something to schedule to do as a group. This could be in game bible studies, in game groupings and outings, contests, hunting parties, quests, etc. Maybe we could even setup some sort of township structure like a mayor, police, fire department or even some sort of fun government like a mayor or even priests and knights and whatnot. Maybe even build large-scale community projects (after Herod's temple of course. :D ) like maybe a road system or some sort of railroad for a distant settlement site. Maybe even a games town. So many possibilities. So many ideas.

Plus, there are addons to help enchance server play like a money system or a quest system or a monster hunting addon and the like.

This is our community, so let's see what we can do for both the long time members and for the new guys. So what do you guys think? What would you like to see and what would be cool to do? We'll get some ideas rolling around and see if we can't start something!
Sounds like some great ideas. I really don't have many off the top of my head right now, but I'll think on it and post if something crosses the brain.

Oh, right now, we could organize a Survivor tournament hahaha - Under Herod's Temple is mob city. We could see who can survive the longest. Remove a few torches at it's a Haunted House! haha

A games town can be really fun. My son built a games building and it was fun to hang out in.

Um, forgive me as I'm beat tired from work/training today - searching me data banks for who Malohut is in game. I know I know, I just don't know right now. :rolleyes: I'm sure as soon as I hit submit - I will know, ya know? hehe!