A Thought on the Disciples old pastime....


New Member

I am still meeting people in game (not in my guild of course) who don't want to take the secondary skills of fishing, cooking or first aid. Some think it will slow down game play (wow! I haven't noticed!) so they won't do it.

A few things to consider about fishing -

You can get a twink cap for level 19 through the fishing extravaganza (it has stamina!) unlike the blood elf bandit mask. (Of course engineers have their own goggles to go with!)

You can fish for chests in various forms of the floating debris for chests, which have goodies - cloth, leather, potions and sometimes greens and blues.

Eating the fish that you cook can give you buffs - hey it's free! (Another argument for cooking!)

Something to do when waiting for your party to get ready for a raid/instance and look cool doing it.

And of course, at high levels you can get a gray item called "vendor fish" which sells to the vendor for 6g a pop.

Consider fishing as a viable way to make money. I sell my cooked fish on the AH... they love the golden fish sticks! :D
I just like sometimes to sit there with my thoughts and fish =^) Its better then real life because I don't have to gut what I catch
Fishing is a great source of income at higher levels.

I bought my Epic flying mount fishing water motes, goldfish +healing, and crawdads +stam.