A slightly unsettling feeling


New Member
I left the thread title vague in the hopes of attracting as many potential readers as possible, because I want everyone to throw their opinions in on this one. Cheap tactic perhaps, but oh well.

At my church today the Pastor gave a sermon on being thankful (surprise). I've been feeling a little unsettled by something lately (Who hasn't?), and this sermon only served to augment that feeling.

The Pastor threw out the fact that nearly half the world lives in poverty. That's around three billion people. I imagine many of these people, in the millions, struggle to find food every day. Of course, part of the message was to be thankful for what we have. Americans are extremely blessed to live in the richest country in the world.

Contentment is not what bothers me though. While I'm ashamed that I gripe over the fact that Sobes and gas are extremely expensive, that isn't it.

What bothers me is that I have all of these extravagances, and many people don't. I went out and purchased Mario Kart DS for 35 dollars so I could have fun on a device that cost an additional 150 dollars (before the price drop)...and people on the other side of the globe (or even a couple of miles away) are scavenging just for something to eat.

I am no more important to God to anyone else. There isn't one single person on this earth that God loves less then me. Is it not my obligation to care for them? Yet here I sit taking most of what I earn (not much, as a poor college student, but this is besides the point) and I spend it on myself, while people are starving to death. Still, I live on, content to revel in my luxurious (compared to those in dire poverty, anyway) lifestyle while other children of God are afflicted by hunger, homelessness, and other things that should never befall a child a God, found or lost.

This is something that is seriously starting to seize me, and I don't think I'm going to shake this gnawing feeling I have about it anytime soon (nor do I think I ever want too). I suppose my question is then, what do you do? Is this normal?

I'd really appreciate anyone's thoughts on this, whatever they may be. Thank you very much.
First, let me say I recognize the feelings you are having. They are real and there you need to pray through them and not stuff them down inside. I applaud you for posting them.

Second, I would highly suggest looking at taking a short term mission trip either over Chirstmas break or by Summer for sure. It will allow your young (and i use that word loosely) to see the realities of the developing world or even the working poor in North America.

Personally, I have visited and ministered in several third world countries. You cannot go on these trips with out it changing who you are. We, as North Americans, tend to be so focused on ourselves and our individuality, that we loose our humanity.

Oh, and your Pastor "fact" is a little low. Estimates of actual poverty in the world are more along the lines of 80%. Most developing countries break down to 90% of the money is controled by 5 to 10% of the population.
Well all I can say first is thank God for what he is showing you in this area. It is the sweet conviction of the Holy Spirit and therefore you must act and be obediant to what your heart has said. I would pray about it and ask God what you should do about it. And when you find out, you must act further.
I agree with Jesh. It looks like the Lord is dealing with you in this particular area and it you really need to pray and see what he would have you do.
Jeshurun said:
Well all I can say first is thank God for what he is showing you in this area. It is the sweet conviction of the Holy Spirit and therefore you must act and be obediant to what your heart has said. I would pray about it and ask God what you should do about it. And when you find out, you must act further.

He's exactly right.
It is hard to live in the US this time of year and not think of things to be thankful for IMO. In fact, my hubby just brought this up to me on the way home tonight. Ultimately, whatever our circumstances, we are always to give thanks to Him. Sometimes it is very challenging to do this (perhaps sacrifice of praise).

I would recommend reading through Psalms. Some great praise has been written in His book when the words of thanks are hard to come by on your own

There are a LOT of ex-servicemen - probably with a five block radius of you - who are homeless, jobless and penniless thanks to their inability to cope with returning to civilian life after mustering out.

You don't need to fly to the third world to find poverty - it's not that far from you where you live.