A question

FCoS site == scary stuff.
and awfully confusing, sick, etc....

Won't be going there again. *sigh* Thank God for entering me....
I actually find sites for say The Church of Latter Day Saints or Church of Christ Scientist or even sites for the Jehovah's Witnesses scarier.

These satanist churches, you can look at their beliefs and FAQ's and tell that they are teaching a humanist/pantheistic worldview which exists as counter-Christian. Those listed above, make mention of Christ, yet skew their doctrine in ways just enough to make them non-Christian. I have found that most Christians can easily detect humanist or pagan viewpoints which directly counter Christianity. Yet some of the doctrines of those listed above, a number of Christians would consider them just fine.

But hey, that's me.
VERY good point, Kidan. Often the subtle half-truths or even out-right lies of such organizations, or even "cults" if you will, so closely parallel the truth presented in the Bible that the unwary eye can be easily led astray..
Man as I read that faq page its kinda scary, but like Kidan said the Jehovah Witness and other groups who turn the word of Christ just a bit is even scarier.