A hilarious interview with a scholar..

Thanks for reminding me why I can't watch Fox News (or news channel interviews in general). :P Interviewee can't come close to completing a thought without getting interrupted with unrelated, pointed questions. That trend is frustrating and does nothing to help my general outlook for the American media and sociopolitical machines.

Now I'm interested in the book, though. Would be curious to see what is actually said.

Frustration with the interviewer aside, thanks for the link. :)
I'm not sure what to call this, but typically an interview is an arrangement where two people talk.
What I find interesting and beautiful here is that in the scholar's own words he is "obsessed with Jesus", and has been for a while. So even though he has moved away from Christ, Christ is still calling this man back. This is the love of God demonstrated on a personal level, even if this man doesn't realize it yet.
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What I find interesting and beautiful here is that in the scholar's own words he is "obsessed with Jesus", and has been for a while. So even though he has moved away from Christ, Christ is still calling this man back. This is the love of God demonstrated on a personal level, even if this man doesn't realize it yet.
I really wish there were a like button on the forum for posts like this. :D
When people ask why I can't stand Fox News or any of the current american media, I've now got the perfect response in the form of an example. Thank you...
This tends to be the way of the mass media these days. Quite sad when you think about it. Instead of reporting REAL stories, all they care about is reporting stuff that gets their ratings upped and creates more drama. Gotta wonder sometimes if the media continues to create issues in this country sometimes. And by issues I mean things that we are trying to get past and move on from but, because the media wants ratings and loves drama, they continue to "hold on" to these things.
Well that's the thing. Any bit of news which might deal with Christianity is the next death blow to the church and they have to blow it completely out of proportion. The so called Jesus osuary, the "gospel" of Judas, now this book.
Video is gone. :( What should I search for that I might find it? From the discussion, I'd kinda like to see it. :)
Well that's the thing. Any bit of news which might deal with Christianity is the next death blow to the church and they have to blow it completely out of proportion. The so called Jesus osuary, the "gospel" of Judas, now this book.

The media loves to create drama. That's what keeps their ratings up high. My friend and I often joke about CNN (one of the worst in my opinion) with how their thing is hear it here first..."It may not always be right, but with CNN you hear it first." They have to correct so many things with their reporting often times that it has simply become a joke.
I overheard my wife playing this video and had assumed it was a parody--maybe a video from The Onion--when the interviewee started going on about his credentials.

I still have trouble believing this is for real.