A call to arms!

I really don't want to be the pickle in your strawberry jam and peanut butter sandwich guys, but, if you take away his "Holier than thou" attitude that so grossly permuates his post, he has a good message, and possibly a deep concern for us. (I won't judge his heart).

But, what if that message and concern are true and correct?

IF IT IS CORRECT what would that mean for you? What changes would you make?

When I say, IF IT IS CORRECT, I am setting a hypothetical stage for you to explore and reflect upon, not one for you to sit back and say: But it isn't correct. That defeats the purpose of this self reflection activity.

Well, thats my $0.02, continue your flaming.
Then we shouldn't engage in any form of entertainment whatsoever. All we should do is study the Bible, praise God and yeah, that's it. That means no jobs either. The thing is, gaming becomes a problem when it becomes a priority over doing the things of God. What Preachman states is just not possible.
What I said Sax...maybe he's got words, but just the wrong way to tell us.

I don't think he's right...but let's play devil's advocate for JUST a moment...games are sinful, they separate us from God...now what? I quit gaming and rededicate my life to God, and ask him to wipe my soul clean...then I burn my discs at a family gathering with the local churches, and go out and evangelize people...a month later we're back at it.

Such is the way of "revivals." Some games are bad, others aren't. Truly, Preacherman, is Mario pornographic or Satanic? Goombas? Giant lizards? Are they representations of Satan and his minions? Hardly...ever play Mario? I guess not. Maybe you just stereotype all games together, which is a bad idea. Morrowind, Mario and Quake are no where near the same.
I don't think you'll post here again, but whatever: learn before you preach.
Actually if you look closer, he's claiming a good portion of the computer industry is bad.

If I followed his suggestions, I would not be able to provide for my family, because building those websites he hates so much is a good portion of what I spend all my time at work doing.
Something to reflect on ...when you play a game, or enjoy some entertainment, ask yourself, how would Jesus interpret what is on your heart? Is it noble in his eyes, or, will he see no difference between what is on your heart versus somebody who also has real blood on their hands?

If Jesus asked you: How does playing this game glorify me? while you were playing a game that had pentagrams and half naked ladies tied to a wall all the while you were tring to hunt somebody down to kill their character by slashing their throat with a knife, how would you answer? How comfortable would you be?

I think, to some extent, this is what preacherman was trying to say. Even though I think he blew it.

Like Jammer said, each person has different convictions. Each person has their reasons and justifications as to why they do what they do for entertainment, and I won't judge people for it.

You don't have to post an answer. Just do some personal reflection. Maybe, this is the point preacherman was trying to make. Maybe not.
If he were really from God, we would be convicted. Currently I'm having a hard time believing he's real.

Getteth thyself lost, thou moron.
A woman took a tent peg and rammed it through a king's head...for God.
A man desecrated the Law by eating the shewbread...AND sharing it with his cronies.
A man honored God by first slinging a stone into a giant's brain, and then slicing off his neck, sending an entire army scampering off like rabbits.
God glorified Himself by killing Himself on the cross...
A man honored God by being the Warrior-King, and thus was unable to build God's home because of the BLOOD ON HIS HANDS
A man honored God by beating to death a thousand innocent men with a jawbone...and then crushing MANY thousands more by crushing their own holy temple atop their skulls.

In the name of God, violence is done...with intent, these deaths were carried out. So?

Knock yourself out with a game...go at it in the Name of God. An angel wasted 185000 poor guys, guys who had families and lives...what had they done to deserve that? In the Name of God.

Beware what you accuse before you say what you think God knows.
One more thing...

The 'holier-than-thou' attitude is what scares away non-Christians from Christianity, in my experience. People look down upon you and you basically get nowhere (unless you have a big army, then maybe....) ;)
The sad thing is, when I read his posts, it reminded me of my father growing up. Twisting the Bible to justify what he wanted to believe.

Anyone know a good therapist?

True, unfortunately. We do get very judgemental sometimes, even though we have no place to judge. Common trait, from what I can see.