A BIG Thank you...


on to something new...
{Now please be aware that this post is done in complete sincerity and honesty. In no means does this post try to belittle or try to attack anyone that this post may refer to. Please do not TAKE offense to it, for that is not the intention of it. Also, no specific names will be given, however those described will know who they are.}

I have been praying about these religious discussion forums, and trying to find out why I was drawn to them. I have to confess something to each of you, I've gotten quite ticked off by a lot of the posts that have occured. So I ask all of you to forgive me of my feelings on this. However...

Just within the last 12 hours, God has shown me why He took me here. Prior to my reading the posts I was doing a lot of studying in the various letters in the New Testament. God was showing me things that I had not really seen in the past when I had read those letters. But now I understand why I was shown those things, so...

I want to say THANK YOU to all the people on these forums, Christian and non-Christians alike. All of us have done a wonderful thing. We have fulfilled quite a few of the Scriptures that I've recently studied. YES, even the non-Christians on the forums, have done their part as well.

I hope that I am not the only one that has seen this revelation. It brings great hope to me that even now, when believer and non-believer clash theologically, spiritually, and intellectually, the Master has His hands in it, expressly confirming and filling our faith.

SO once again to everyone that has posted on these forums (especially those over the past seven days), THANK YOU!!! You have given new energy and drive for faith in a way that you may or may not even realize.

Now for those who don't know what I'm talking about, read the Letters (Romans - 3 John). Study them, allowed the Holy Spirit to move your understanding of them. I guarantee that you will see what I am talking about.

I could share what God has shown me, and I will be glad to on personal one on ones, but if I were to start "naming names," I would break the integrity of these forums, and risk my own bannishment from them. I have no intentions of doing that.

I hope that God continues to bless each of us with insight into the world that He created, and I hope that this Thank You, is received and falls upon a receptive heart.

May God Bless each of us,
Christians = with more revelation of His Word,
non-Christians = with the knowledge and understanding of Jesus Christ.
