
Well gang.... got my final final tomorrow, and my Senior Presentation on Tuesady. Then come rain or shine that will be it. I'll be back to a normality that I have not seen in 3 years (except the 3rd shift stuff :D ).

Hope to see everyone online as well. We'll see how much gaming I do. I kind'a don't miss it. :)
Well I passed my Cisco class. I've got my Senior Project presentation in the morning. That should go fine. Then I'll be degreed a second time in my life. Might even have several certs from school as well. I've got to do some paper work for those. :D
I'll update as tomorrow comes. :D
Its done, its over, all has come to an end. I am a college grad again, and now I'm relaxing. Got Disney in less than two weeks, then after that I plan on resurecting the pwn'age in such a wonderful way. :D

God bless to all, and to all a GOd blessed day!!!
nods..i'lll be co admining but i don't ahve the time to be the primary. i'll do the initial setup in terms on the instlalation..after that it's on you..:)