18 June 2005


New Member
The Splinter

Read 2 Kings 5:1-14

Naaman said, "Are not Abana and Pharpar, the rivers of Damascus, better than any of the waters of Israel? Couldn't I wash in them, and be cleansed?"
-2 Kings 5:12 (NIV

OUR young son ran his hand over a piece of rough wood and got a splinter. He didn't like this because it hurt going in and irritated his hand. But he disliked our plans for removing the splinter even more. He objected vigorously to our offer to help. He claimed the splinter didn't really hurt and therefore didn't need to come out; he said it was already out; he even held the injured hand behind his back and tried to pass off his other hand as the one that was hurt. Fearing the treatment would be more painful than the injury, he wanted to leave the splinter in.

Like Naaman who was unwilling to wash in the Jordan, our son was unwilling to try the plan that would help him. Once we got the splinter out, he was glad. And the splinter, which seemed so huge when it was embedded in his hand, looked tiny once it was out.

When I have some fault or grudge stuck in me, it may hurt me and irritate me. But I still find all sorts of special reasons for leaving it alone. Once I stop arguing, however, God is able to do what must be done to help me toward healing and wholeness.
Norman Styers (Oklahoma, U.S.A.)

O Lord, make us willing to admit our need for your healing. Amen.