Search results

  1. P

    Au revoir

    Hello, Forgiven. Just wanted to let you know you could take us off your roster. We have been playing this game for a couple of years now and my husband is trying out a new game. Brooke hardly plays, I just really don't anymore, and unfortunately, Brandon's grades have not been up to par for...
  2. P

    Brandon wanted me to post a pic of our family

    This was our Wow family on the other server.
  3. P

    Question about kids and Wow

    Hello, my toon's name is Pinai, and we are on the Hellscream server; my husband is a hard-core raider, I play when I have time, and my husband lets the kids play in combat log. They are only 10 and 11, but my son already has a lvl 80. I was wondering if any other kids play on here? I myself...