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  1. B

    Gamer and a Pastor saying hello

    We also have probably 10 people or so in our guild in the Independence, Kansas City area.
  2. B

    Gamer and a Pastor saying hello

    I am in Sedalia. My Nephew is at school in Springfield so we go there often as well. Incredible Pizza for the win!
  3. B

    Should Christians write satire?

    The whole book of Philemon is based on Sarcasm. Paul is reminding Philemon of all he did for him while at the same time saying he won't mention all he did for him. It is an attempt for Paul to say, you owe me so I want you to do what I am asking you to do.
  4. B

    Gamer and a Pastor saying hello

    Greetings in the Name which above every name, our Lord Jesus Christ. My name is Richard, and I am guild co-leader of Heaven's Royal Knights, a guild wars guild. We have been playing GW since day -50 and recently left our alliance with a Dev guild because of the issue of language. We wanted...