Search results

  1. S

    Need strength

    Thank you.
  2. S

    Need strength

    I can't seem to make myself work anymore. I've got an opportunity that I believe would help my family out, who desperately need it, but as much as I love them I just can't make myself do the work. It's not like it's hard work but anytime I try to do even the smallest thing I consider...
  3. S

    Gifts to forum members

    I'm not one of those secular Santa's so first off Happy Birthday Jesus :) ! Now I've got a couple gifts for forum people. I digitally paint and figured I'd practice and make some Avatars/art for CGA members at the same time. Each is free for the person I painted it for, for any...
  4. S

    My name is Vern Troyer...

    I bet if they continue the series of commercials one of the next ones will feature a woman. Maybe... I'm Martha Stewart and I'm a Warrior... wait she already does crafting... :p