Search results

  1. friggy

    Inactivity until further notice

    Hi Everyone - Well since I have been almost completely non-existent in-game for close to a month now I am cancelling my WoW account for the foreseeable future. :( I am really blessed to have met you guys/gals and thankful that Ani gave me the opportunity to try and co-lead MSC. I think that MSC...
  2. friggy

    RPGO setup guide

    Sorry it took so long for me to get to this. Busy with RL so without further ado here is the guide! As always you should virus scan every file you ever download. You should also backup your system first before proceeding and I assume no responsibilty for your PC, WoW, etc. There are three...
  3. friggy

    We're on Blade's Edge!

    We have completed the charter for MSC on Blade's Edge so once you have transferred over please pm us so we can add you back into the guild. I share Ani's sentiment over being excited for our guild and to see what God has in store for us in 2007! Here is a list of toons you can pm right now to...
  4. friggy

    High lvl instance poll

    For Iyceman and to get some of our higher level players out... A poll for mid-level instance night 1. The Scarlett Monastery (SM) - 4 hrs. if we do all 4 wings but we can do parts only too :) 2. Razorfen Downs (RFD) - 2 hrs. 3. Uldaman (ULD) - 1 hr. 4. No thanks! I'd rather grind :p Tentative...