Search results

  1. Mailliwivad

    Any interest in new raid groups?

    I just wanted to put this out there to see if there was any interest. After running many heroics (esp. H ToC) and trying to gear up my mage, I am interested in starting to do some raids. I don't have a lot of raiding experience and should probably start with Naxx. My primary motivation is...
  2. Mailliwivad

    Resubscribed...for one month

    After being off WoW for 5 1/2 months, I have resubscribed for one month during my Christmas break. I know I don't know those of you who joined our guild since June, but I hope to get you know you a bit over the next few weeks. Since I only had hit 60 about a month before I had to cancel in...
  3. Mailliwivad

    Dropping in

    Hey, I just wanted to drop by and say Hi to everyone. It's been 5 months or so since I cancelled my WoW account, so I hope those of you who knew me before I cancelled my account still remember me. Just an update, I have been doing well with my program, although it has been a crazy workload...
  4. Mailliwivad

    Scholo Run

    On our scholo run tonight (my first scholo run also), I was reminded of this movie I saw on the net. A two mage scholo run. (I know Angie is going to say"Nerf Mages" at this point). Anyways, it is pretty neat to see the level of coordination required to pull this off, not to mention the damage...
  5. Mailliwivad

    Taking a WoW Leave of Absence

    Hello All, I unfortunately have to inform you all that I am leaving WoW for a while. I do not make this decision lightly as I have greatly enjoyed this game, but even more so the people and the community and Christian fellowship aspects of this guild. Although I do not know many of you well...
  6. Mailliwivad


    Hey all, I still need to get BRD done (haven't done any instances since Sunken Temple), so I am hoping to get a group together tomorrow evening. I should be on around 8pm server time, so pst me tomorrow if you'd like to join in.