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  1. redrust422

    Anyone for Elona's Reach Still?

    Ok, I'll be on tonight around 7pm and if you're on I'll talk to ya there. Thanks alot! :)
  2. redrust422

    Anyone for Elona's Reach Still?

    Hi, I noticed that some of you may be working on acension, and I was hoping to get some help with Elona's. I know that it has to be done in a very particular way or you just lose everytime. So if anyone could help I'll be on tonight around 8PM. Thanks...
  3. redrust422

    New Member Introductions

    Hey everyone, my name is Rusty. Glad to be a new member of ToJ and SoE. I hope you guys don't mind but I like to ask questions.... :D AIM = redrust422 Xfire = redrust422 GW Char's = Cintec Surellian M/Me16 Alrath Larale W/Mo20 Esarya Surellian W/Ne7 Oh, I'm 24, Single, and live in Palm...