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  1. Faye'Faye

    Zndie's Enchanting Supplies!!

    I have been using my alt Zndie (lvl 12 Human Priest) for disenchanting purposes, in hope to help the enchanters of the Guild. John (Neirai) and I have worked really hard farming and giving up items ( instead of throwing them on the AH) to get a good supply of Dust's, Essesence's, and Shard's...
  2. Faye'Faye

    Yay lvl 40...again

    As some of you know I hit lvl 40 last night on my Human Warrior named Yaone! w00t! The reason I say again is b/c earlier this summer I had a lvl 45-50 (I cant really remember where I stopped) Night Elf Hunter named Faye. At least now I own this character so she isnt going anywhere lol...