Search results

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    swtor republic pve guild?

    Does anyone know of any plans for a republic guild on a pve server thats part of the cga or toj?? Ive looked and found lions of judah one but there going on a pvp server.
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    Just to be clear i put up my server for the benefit of everyone. That way we could check out the new updates and stuff. Ive got it running on an old pc at my house. Ive got 2 meg upload and 50 down so i think we have plenty of slots for everyone that wants to play. I was thinking at the time i...
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    1.9 pre release 2

    Its been released you can find it here It has animal breeding soon as the server jar comes up ill throw up a temp server til ours switchs over so whoever wants to can play around with the new version
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    Info on Up and coming

    guessing this is a skill tree the glass bottle is interesting as well