Search results

  1. Tek7@Work

    Configuring Android 5.0 tablet for child?

    Do you use the free or premium version? Since the premium version requires a subscription, I'd rather stick to the free version so long as it does what I need it to do. I don't mind paying one time or even one time per device, but I don't want to pay a yearly fee.
  2. Tek7@Work

    Configuring Android 5.0 tablet for child?

    As mentioned elsewhere, I recently purchased an Android tablet for my 4-year old daughter so she can continue to play Monster Strike with me and my wife after MS drops support for iOS 6 and the iPhone 3GS that she currently uses to play MS. I've installed the Android 5.0 Lollipop update on a...
  3. Tek7@Work

    Migration to XenForo (Sept. 2015)

    In case anyone was wondering, I am planning on enabling profile posts in the near future. I'll likely restrict it to forum members with x number of posts (maybe 10?) to discourage abuse of the feature. Admins can delete profile posts, but I'd rather people just play nice to begin with. :) I...
  4. Tek7@Work

    [Weekly - Su/M] What did you learn/teach at church?

    Am I bad person for immediately thinking, "This picture was taken 5 seconds before Bob had to call for the paramedics"? Being a Christian with a dark sense of humor is often an awkward experience. But on a serious note, my wife and I were home with a baby with a minor fever (that already broke...
  5. Tek7@Work

    I discovered the like button!

    Wait, wrong thread...
  6. Tek7@Work

    XenForo: How do I...?

    Possibly, though I haven't found a way to do it yet. Have you tried either of the fluid width themes? That may serve your purpose. If you're looking to increase the font size, you might try increasing the zoom on the domain in your browser to 125% or higher. But if more people ask about...
  7. Tek7@Work

    Whatcha Reading these days?

    I was reading Pilgrim's Progress... ...I need to get back to that. :(
  8. Tek7@Work

    XenForo: How do I...?

    The Men's Forums permissions are fixed, but I still need to go through and check permissions on other private forums. If anyone or any group needs immediate access to a private forum, please send me a PM. Otherwise, I'll start from the top of the forums list and work my way down as I'm able.
  9. Tek7@Work

    XenForo: How do I...?

    Okay. I'm working on forums permissions now. The good news is that no one is able to see private forums, so you don't need to worry about private content being public. The bad news is that no one is able to see private forums. :p
  10. Tek7@Work

    XenForo: How do I...?

    The Men's Forums show up for me when I'm logged on to my main account, but I have super-admin rights so that doesn't guarantee it will show up for others in the Men's Forums user group. I'm guessing the Men's Forums aren't showing up for you, @ursen?
  11. Tek7@Work

    Church search prayer request

    Praying! When my wife and I moved to a new city to continue our education, we visited approximately 40 churches (some for several Sundays) before finding the right one. There were at least a few times when we wanted to just "settle," but the Holy Spirit prompted us to keep looking--and we're...
  12. Tek7@Work

    ChristCenteredGamer is raffling off a beta key for 20XX

    I meant to enter this and kept forgetting! Oh noes! Nevertheless, congrats @Kendrik!
  13. Tek7@Work

    Prayers for my fmaily and relatives

    I've read over this post several times and I find I still don't know what to say in response to such loss, aside from: I will be praying for you and your family, that the Lord would provide comfort as only he can, and that He would surround you with fellow believers to lift you up as you're...
  14. Tek7@Work

    Migration to XenForo (Sept. 2015)

    Yeah, I tried to fix the "white text on white background" issue by tweaking the theme last night but didn't have any success. I may have to defer to @RichardRobins on that one. I've also noticed that the custom themes have 2 fonts: One for post text and another for links and user interface...
  15. Tek7@Work

    XenForo: How do I...?

    Maaan I'm trying to fix the forums first. Just bear with the blurry Presidential seal a little longer. Or maybe I'll come up with my first new avatar in a decade. But probably not.
  16. Tek7@Work

    Best cheap Android tablet for young child?

    I bought it last night so I could get the order in sooner, but was requesting a CGA referral link in case I try the tablet, recommend it to others, and someone decides to buy one of their own (or in case I buy one for myself :)). On a related note, would you mind also creating a referral link...
  17. Tek7@Work

    Best cheap Android tablet for young child?

    The new Amazon Fire was a top contender, but I don't know how difficult it would be to root it and, well, I'm not wild about the Fire OS or the limited marketplace. (Most importantly, Monster Strike isn't available from the Amazon App Store and it's one of my daughter's favorite games.) I know I...
  18. Tek7@Work

    XenForo: How do I...?

    Lazy copy/paste from my other post:
  19. Tek7@Work

    [Weekly - Su/M] What did you learn/teach at church?

    It's time again for our weekly thread about what you learned or taught in church on Sunday! My wife and I were helping in the nursery (don't get the wrong idea; parents are required to help out once a quarter, which makes sense), so we didn't get to hear the latest message in our church's...
  20. Tek7@Work

    Migration to XenForo (Sept. 2015)

    Highlight and reply works on mobile devices, too.