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  1. Tek7@Work

    [Weekly - F/Sa] Week In Review

    Work ramped up in late April and continues to keep me busy. My mom is making remarkable strides in her recovery. I talk with my mom and dad on the phone every day or every other day and it's astounding how far she's come since the stroke. There's talk of her going home from the skilled nursing...
  2. Tek7@Work

    Forums upgraded from XenForo 1.5.5 -> 1.5.6

    I believe it's an issue with the themes. I've noticed similar minor bugs in the CGA Light & Red theme, which is what I use on both my accounts. @RichardRobins created the custom themes (and did a fantastic job!). Richard - Would you mind taking a look at the customer CGA themes and see if...
  3. Tek7@Work

    Questions on this passage

    @Dchsknight made some excellent points regarding the historical context for Paul's instructions regarding head coverings for women in the church in Corinth. Regarding the wider discussion of offices prescribed for women in the Christian church, I believe @ursen made his desires regarding the...
  4. Tek7@Work

    Questions about the Christian Gamers Alliance TeamSpeak 3 server

    Which channels did you have in mind? If I think of it, I'll try to hop on soon and increase the quality on all channels.
  5. Tek7@Work

    Huzzah! Now you're ready for Yakuza 6 and Persona 5. :D

    Huzzah! Now you're ready for Yakuza 6 and Persona 5. :D
  6. Tek7@Work

    Pokemon distribution events May 2016

    Xerneas is up. Got mine. Go get yours!
  7. Tek7@Work

    Prayer for Tek's mom

    Thank you all for your prayers. My mom is stable and my dad informed me this morning that she is regaining some capacity for speech. I'm wrapping up my work day now, but I'll try to post more in the near future.
  8. Tek7@Work

    Future of the Server \ Community

    We no longer have an IRC channel because no one was using it and I got tired of launching mIRC for the trivia bot every time I restarted my desktop computer. :p We can certainly create a new channel or revive the old channel, but maybe we should consider TeamSpeak instead? I know some people...
  9. Tek7@Work

    Pokemon distribution events May 2016

    Darkrai! Zygarde! Shiny Xerneas! Shiny Yveltal! Source: Four free mythical Pokémon available in this month’s giveaway I picked up my Darkrai code card from GameStop yesterday (and almost bought Pikachu and Toon Zelda plushes for my daughter). Tagging @Kendrik so he's sure to get his free...
  10. Tek7@Work

    [Weekly - W] Now Playing

    On mobile: More Puzzle & Dragons. A little more Monster Strike. Logging in for daily bonuses in Pokemon Shuffle. Spent a grand total of about 3 minutes with Miitomo. On the 3DS: Spent maybe 30 minutes clearing StreetPass tags and wrapping up a set of levels on Puzzle & Dragons Z. Wanting to get...
  11. Tek7@Work

    [Weekly - F/Sa] Week In Review

    I sat down several times between Saturday, Sunday, and Monday to type out my week in review post, but now I've finally started typing it. Last week was fairly routine. Work was relatively quiet with a burst of activity on Friday. I met with another member of our Sunday school class (or Adult...
  12. Tek7@Work

    [Weekly - W] Now Playing

    Yep. Still playing Monster Strike and Puzzle & Dragons on mobile. Logged in to get my daily bonuses on Pokemon Shuffle and that's about it. I've started the post-game (or the second half?) of Puzzle & Dragons Z. I've made it to the third chapter of the first act of Yakuza 5. I have a feeling...
  13. Tek7@Work

    [Weekly - Su/M] What did you learn/teach at church?

    My wife and I worked in the children's classrooms yesterday, so we didn't get to hear the sermon. I'm planning on checking our church's site later this week to listen to the sermon. We've been working through 1 Corinthians and I'm eager to hear what comes (came?) next in the series.
  14. Tek7@Work

    [Weekly - F/Sa] Week In Review

    I tried to sit down at the computer to type out a reply a few times this weekend, but never made it as far as writing a post. Last week was fairly routine, aside from the torsion spring attached to our garage door abruptly breaking as soon as my wife and I got home from dropping off my car for...
  15. Tek7@Work

    [Weekly - W] Now Playing

    I bought Yakuza 5 last week and started playing it. I'm loving it so far! It's definitely not for the wee ones, so I have to wait until after the kids are in bed and wear wireless headphones while playing, but I'm really enjoying playing a new Yakuza game. I'm still playing Puzzle & Dragons...
  16. Tek7@Work

    Splitting Bundles? (Humble/Groupees/etc.)

    I almost succumbed to temptation and bought the bundle last night, but I realized that I wouldn't have time to play Valkyria Chronicles or Dawn of War II any time soon. :( It's funny. When you're young, you have the time to play games but not the money. Then you grow up and you have the money...
  17. Tek7@Work

    PSA: Celebi distribution event ends tomorrow (3/24)

    You're very welcome! I almost panicked yesterday when I thought I'd missed it, then breathed a sigh of relief when I discovered I still had 2 days to pick up the gift. And while I'm here, I might as well post the full distribution event schedule for 2016: Mew: February 1 - 24, 2016 at...
  18. Tek7@Work

    [Weekly - W] Now Playing

    Still Puzzle & Dragons, Monster Strike, and Pokemon Shuffle on mobile. I've made it as far as the next boss fight in Chapter 2 of Bravely Default, but I have this sinking feeling I'm about to get annihilated. We'll see. I want to get back to Just Cause 3 soon, but I have to wait until after...
  19. Tek7@Work

    PSA: Celebi distribution event ends tomorrow (3/24)

    Source: You don't have to step foot inside a GameStop for this one. (Huzzah!) So go get it if you have already! Tagging @Kendrik on this so he's sure to see it.
  20. Tek7@Work

    Thank you very much!

    Thank you very much!