Search results

  1. Thrawn

    Behind our Character names

    Monk - Summer Moran - Another character in a Clive Cussler novel. Assassin - Thrawn Nuruodo - Grand Admiral Thrawn. Thrawn's real name is Mitth'raw'nuruodo. Dervish - Thrawn of Elona - Obvious. Paragon - Thrawn of Heaven - I thought it was fitting for a paragon. It's actually kinda...
  2. Thrawn

    July 7, 2007

    Congratulations! 12 or 13?! :eek: I'm thinking 3 max! Gotta start early you know...:D
  3. Thrawn

    Top Guilds!

    Ugh, n00bs. *casts Avatar of Balthazar* Bring it.
  4. Thrawn

    The Off Topic Thread!

    Don't even need to do a PvP match, tonics work in towns. So we can get as many people as we went, cram 'em all into the guild hall, and give em a potion.
  5. Thrawn

    Your favorite Worship song.

    Anything on Kutless' Strong Tower.
  6. Thrawn

    Halloween & 25Oct06 Update

    Guess so.
  7. Thrawn

    Halloween & 25Oct06 Update

    Try the other town, LA or Kamadan.
  8. Thrawn

    Halloween & 25Oct06 Update

    Probably Midnight PDT.
  9. Thrawn

    Halloween & 25Oct06 Update

    The Mad King comes throughout the day. Like the Emperor did in the Dragon Festival.
  10. Thrawn

    ok, ok, all right, all ready.

    W00000000T!!!! Congratulations!
  11. Thrawn

    Halloween & 25Oct06 Update

    To quote a dcTalk song ("What if I Stumble?"; not sure where they quoted it from): The greatest single cause of atheism in the world today is Christians, who acknowledge Jesus with their lips, then walk out the door and get on by their lifestyles. That is what an unbelieving world simply...
  12. Thrawn

    Halloween & 25Oct06 Update

    First off, how did a thread about the Halloween update turn into a theological debate on swearing? Second: Why is there so much division here, within the church? We call it "foul language." What I find even more foul is the spirit of discord and bitterness between our fellow brothers and...
  13. Thrawn

    Heroes and Bonus Items

    Your heroes can use items customized to you. If you put a preorder weapon on a hero (i.e. put the Icy Soulbreaker of Enchanting on Melonni), and type /preorder, you gain the weapon again. Not sure if this is intentional or not, but it's a handy way to equip your heroes if you preorder Factions...
  14. Thrawn

    Halloween & 25Oct06 Update

    Cool. :) Probably a bit tougher to get it right, but that's good news. :D
  15. Thrawn

    The Off Topic Thread!

  16. Thrawn

    Halloween & 25Oct06 Update

    No, but it's the one we were most proficient with.
  17. Thrawn

    Halloween & 25Oct06 Update

    Existing Ghials staff updated: Energy +10 Dark Dmg. 11-22 (Req 9 DM) Halves casting time on DM spells (20%) Halves skill recharge of spells (20%) Energy +5 Death Magic +1 (20% chance while using skills) Only the recharge time was changed to all spells.
  18. Thrawn

    Halloween & 25Oct06 Update

    They broke VIM! You now get the health and energy for conditions on a targeted foe, not foes in the area...
  19. Thrawn

    Penny for your thoughts

    What's the difference between working ingame, unlocking skills by capping or buying them with faction, and working out of game and buying them with earned money? You're still getting the same thing, only by different roads. EDIT: And besides, you think it's bad here? Do a search on eBay for...
  20. Thrawn

    Board walk weekend

    Oh, forgot to mention that that Charmed title cost me about 30k... :eek: