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  1. Thrawn

    Get to know your Guildies OR spam by any other name...

    Actually, I slept like a rock. I was glad to be home in my own bed after my church's family retreat weekend. (The fact that I climbed a 3100 ft. mountain on Saturday probably had something to with it too... ;) ) NP likes hiking.
  2. Thrawn

    What's goin on.

    Welcome back, brother. ;)
  3. Thrawn

    Get to know your Guildies OR spam by any other name...

    Go for it. Let us know when you're done. :p Next person knows what HIPAA is. (And why I have to write a paper on it for my Information Security class.)
  4. Thrawn

    Name that build! (note: NOT SPAM!!!)

  5. Thrawn


    Lol, how many you got back there; you must be running out of room... ;) If your defense, I'm sure you're a perfectly normal, young boy. Who has an insane number of posts. Across multiple forums. Which is slightly abnormal... :p
  6. Thrawn

    Youth Groups these days, not all but alot.

    I'll re-ask a question that I don't think has been truly answered: What are you doing to change the situation? Have you talked to some of these cliques? How about your youth leaders? I mean, there are weys to build the type of fellowship you want, but it doesn't happen on it's own. Help your...
  7. Thrawn

    Youth Groups these days, not all but alot.

    That's very sad... :( In my opinion, if these kids were truly commited to Christ, this girl would be exactly the type of person they need to hang out with, supporting them and ministering to them, demonstrating that Jesus is living within them. As Jesus said, "It is not the healthy who need...
  8. Thrawn

    Update - Wednesday September 14

    Lol, carry on, then. :p In a nutshell, vibro made some negative, sarcastic comments about MS and Windows (as usual) and CS, reaching the breaking point, told him off.
  9. Thrawn

    Update - Wednesday September 14

    C'mon guys, there's no point in getting all worked up over who killed who...sorry, bad Monty Python joke. :D But in all seriousness, why are we arguing anyway? I'm sure a happy medium can be reached where vibro can cut down on the Windows-bashing and sarcasm (not completely, someone needs to...
  10. Thrawn

    Update - Wednesday September 14

    Add an additional 10% for your sagish and so incredibly productive and uplifting remarks. :rolleyes:
  11. Thrawn

    Writing Assignment: Due 9/8/06

    Hehe, I love number 4. I agree with everything MM said about it. I like how it really challenges the reader's assumptions about the character. Most, if not all, of us simply assume the subject is a normal human. It wasn't till I read the "four shaky legs" part that I realized something...