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  1. Where

    The Gray Collection

    You are insane! lol, good luck and happy hunting!
  2. Where

    EPGP and you

    I give up, if all you want to do is make excuses for the lack of commitment then there is no way we can see LK down on a regular basis, so back to your regularly scheduled forum spam and farming 5 bosses in ICC:P
  3. Where

    EPGP and you

    So they are tired of content but only show up for the first 5 bosses and give up? If there was 50 kingslayers in the guild then I could understand being tired of content but I doubt 90% of Redeemed has seen past what I have seen that wasnt in a pug. FWIW all my kingslayer friends I know are...
  4. Where

    Big Patch Today

    If you have gotten a scroll of res in the past, no matter how long ago you cant get another one. Lara and I both tried but we got one a year and a half ago and its limited to once in the lifetime of the account so they both failed heh.
  5. Where

    EPGP and you

    Really? I have only been back 4 or 5 weeks but I have only been past saurfang in a 25m once or twice and the one Proudfoot mentioned where we hit the engrage timer(partly my fault admittedly, I was last in DPS because I am still a ret newb) and once other where we downed rotface and festergut. I...
  6. Where

    A fresh start

    I'm in the same situation though, cant decide whether I want to level my hunter or pally tank in Cata first. I have more fun on my hunter and with all the changes and trying to get rid of AOE tanking it seems like the pally tank will be less fun lol.
  7. Where

    A fresh start

    pallies can solo heroics from BC:P case closed
  8. Where

    A fresh start

    I can't in good conscious give the mage a vote to put you through the anguish of leveling him in Cata when he has problems with BC quests:P
  9. Where

    A fresh start

    don't think so, just need to be in combat to use it. I think Wing clip/disengage fits what blizzard is trying to do and make it a pure ranged class, those abilities help you get to that range.
  10. Where

    How to win at PuGs and Gearscore

    That is too funny!
  11. Where

    The Time Has Come...

    You talk about bombs but if you want the good bombs you gotta go goblin:P
  12. Where

    The Lich King must fall to Redeemed

    cleared TK after wotlk came out?
  13. Where

    Guild First!! LK DOWN!!

    Great Job everyone! Grats to Redeemed!
  14. Where

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY to our September folks!! please post happy birthdays here :D

    Happy birthday Arakk! Also my oldest son's birthday today, he's 11!!
  15. Where

    Your Vote

    I guess lots of gnomes are gonna burn now!
  16. Where

    Co-GL Election Time: Nominations

    Need MOAR Tree!!
  17. Where

    DKP changes inc.

    always bid 1 meeellion dkp and you will usually win
  18. Where

    To not renew

    I haven't played seriously in a year and a half and still troll:P
  19. Where


    deleted 'dos?
  20. Where

    To renew or not to renew...

    ... If not we will talk about this later!