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  1. L

    question re: WoW

    I"m queued up for EQNL, looks pretty interesting
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    question re: WoW

    It is PvP, but there's not a lot of stress, or any really, in the guild. I tend to view the PvP portion as an opportunity for being supportive that is missing in the PvE only realms. Generally speaking in PvE, you can completely control each encounter.
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    question re: WoW

    That's a chicken and egg scenario though... :P
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    Requests for officer or guild leader help (including guild invite requests)

    We're still alive, like Flame said, just do a who on redeemed, there's likely to be someone on who can invite!
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    question re: WoW

    You know, with all the members playing on various other servers, it would be easy to have Redeemed back to a solid roster. In fact, if everyone who is still playing returned to Redeemed, it seems like it would be a pretty impressive roster. It's disappointing every time I see "recruitment" for...
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    New WoW X-pac Warlords of Dreanor

    They do them about every 2 years, I suspect this will be released around this time next year. Random things I like: Collections for Heirlooms and more Spec changing armor Reduction of stats Removal of reforging
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    All Hallows Eve?

    There was little context for this verse provided, but when referring to the mind in that verse, I don't think it's a decision we make by supporting it with worldly reason, such as has been intimated in this thread, see: This part of Romans seems to be more about judging others and not about...
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    Stonemaul may live

    We're still around on Stonemaul, just took a break for a bit to do some RL and other things :) Not going to another WoW server.
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    Need help

    I think G is on the right track. I play WoW (in Redeemed, not Forgiven btw) and other games. I don't enjoy the violence per se, by I do enjoy the tactics and strategy. I don't play undead when playing horde and although I have a warlock and death knight, I don't like/enjoy them and play them...
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    Elder Scrolls Online

    I feel that F2P, or rather PIP (Payment Influenced Play) is reducing the overall quality of games. The less PIP, the better the industry and the experience.
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    Calling on God in a game

    I wasn't commenting on going where they are at all. My comment was meant to be more along the lines of, it is not an absence of morals in the media, but an absence of Christ and God's Word in the media. Morals don't make Christians... I'd also point out that even though Paul's method of...
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    Calling on God in a game

    While I am inclined to agree, your comment made me think of Christian morals in media are all good and well, but without a changed heart, they don't matter much...
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    Calling on God in a game

    It seems another challenge is that by making the two sides in PvP equal, you would be implying that God is equal to Satan, and that certainly doesn't seem to be where you want to go...
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    Scrolls of Res

    I do play on Stonemaul :) Did you get your rez? if not send over the email and I'll keep checking for it today.
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    Diablo III Hardcore Challenge - No AH run

    I've never bought anything from the AH...
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    New chapters and guilds for 2013

    Wildstar looks an awful lot like Pigs in Space... I mean WoW in space. Is there something I'm missing?
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    Sandstone Drake

    awesome! welcome back :)
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    EverQuest Next

    Beta application submitted. Looks great, just wish it wasn't pay to win.
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    Leveling Jewelcrafter

    Got to 577! Much appreciated FK! Looks like research is a big part of JC, which requires: Imperial Amethyst Primordial Ruby River's Heart Sun's Radiance Vermillion Onyx Wild Jade
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    Leveling Jewelcrafter

    Thanks for the mats FK! Made it to 385, so it looks kind of like this: 350 - 395 Buy around 55 from any of the following gems. At 375, these recipes will turn to yellow so you might to buy more gems. [Bloodstone], [Chalcedony], [Dark Jade], [Huge Citrine], [Shadow Crystal], [Sun Crystal] Cut...