I'm not intending to be insulting. I'm sorry you took my request that way. It was merely a reflection of my desire to see Redeemed grow towards a healthy community in and of itself.
I'm sure SOLA is a fine guild, but instead I'd like to encourage folks to stick around in Redeemed and build it up!
I'd also like to politely ask that folks don't continue to recruit from one christian guild to another.
For all participating on this thread, the theme is: "Hopefully we can get Redeemed up and running again!"
We look forward to your support in meeting this goal!
What does need to happen is that people should stop recruiting away from Stonemaul/Redeemed! If everyone who is a part of TOJ that still plays WoW was still in Redeemed, that would make Redeemed a pretty active guild.
I have like 5 90s on Stonemaul. Last guild I did a server transfer with died shortly after, if that happens I won't be going, but looking for another guild.
Name: Just call me Mac
Primary Character: Lethalon, Valoras, Artheos...
Age: Old enough
Status: Married
Game Achievement of which I'm most proud (at the moment): Have trouble of looking at gaming as achievements :)
Favorite Class: Undecided
Favorite Profession: Not sure I have one
PvE Goals...
They've started on the right path with the announcement for WoD, but at the end of the day, they need to just do away with gear specialization and different gear for PvP/PvE. The end game of WoW is just too grindy and a lot of it is around gear.