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  1. Part Time Player

    Thursday - August 29, 2013

    I know I've been guilty of focusing on what I don't have rather then reflecting on everything the God has blessed me with. I lost my job a couple years ago and luckily found something that was pretty close to home, but not really close to the money I was making. As most of us know you have a...
  2. Part Time Player

    Kick Out The Jams!

    So the revamped Newsboys I was afraid of have really impressed me. Great jam, excellent message.
  3. Part Time Player

    Thursday - August 22, 2013

    I was listening to Dr. David Jeremiah on the radio on the way home this evening and he made a really good point. Joy is a choice. It's all in your perspective. We can look at circumstances in our lives and be sad or disheartened, which is easy enough to do during trials and struggles, or we can...
  4. Part Time Player

    A hilarious interview with a scholar..

    Try this one
  5. Part Time Player


    One as jungle Volibear. It was kinda handed to me tho, the support probably could have escaped but i got my flip off and he didn't put up any resistance. That chain lightning OP! I was just in a game with some friends and my brother got one as Lee Sin, it was fun to be apart of anyway. :P
  6. Part Time Player

    Pain in lower back and right leg

    Actually, we (believers) will get another body. A perfect one. :)
  7. Part Time Player

    Thursday - August 15, 2013

    My wife and I just returned home from the Emergency Room with our 4 week old son who had been suffering from some breathing problems. With my history of lung deficiency (asthma) we are always cautious with our children. My 2nd daughter was admitted to the hospital at 5 weeks old with pneumonia...
  8. Part Time Player

    Summer 2013 anime

    :eek: I'm not ready to give up. Every post since mine has been very informative, and I thank all who contributed. I'll give a shot to a couple of these and I'll let you know. Maybe together we can build me a "genre" of anime I can sink my teeth into. :D
  9. Part Time Player

    I'm Gonna be a Dad!

    THIS! ^ LOL:D
  10. Part Time Player

    Pre Service Exercise

    Our church is a huge growing phase right now. Praise Jesus! We are in the process of constructing a new building, but right now we are holding 3 services on Sunday morning to accommodate everyone. During each service there is an old nursery room that is used for exactly what you are talking...
  11. Part Time Player

    Kick Out The Jams!

    I've got a Mainstay album, but I've not heard of Ruth I'll have to look into that one. I was a little leery of Tait's solo project and then the Newsboys deal made me want cry, but as you stated it's actually pretty decent.
  12. Part Time Player

    Summer 2013 anime

    So I just spent the last 20 minutes reading this thread trying to learn a little about anime. I'm not sure what the appeal is exactly. I tried to start watching it without knowing where to start. I've watched Full Metal Alchemist and actually followed the storyline and enjoyed it. My next...
  13. Part Time Player

    Kick Out The Jams!

    I stand corrected. :)
  14. Part Time Player

    Kick Out The Jams!

    Not exactly a Christian group, but if thats what strikes your fancy, check out Becoming the Archetype or DemonHunter.
  15. Part Time Player

    I'm Gonna be a Dad!

    My wife and I just had our 3rd about 3 weeks ago now, and we didn't find out with any of them. It's kind of exciting. There aren't enough fun surprises in life. :) Congrats and good luck. Will be praying.
  16. Part Time Player


    ^ THIS! Sadly my hours are going to diminish soon, I coach volleyball and the first practice was today. So my evenings will be filled up with practices and matches for the next couple months. Maybe we can get some weekend play in tho :D