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  1. PapaToad

    I am frustrated.

    WOW, Cory, I like it when you cut to the bone, I am so Sorry, I moved Papatoad as I did not think I would be Playing here, now I wish I hadn't. But such was the way things went after my heart attack in September. I wish I would have known, So much has changed for me personally in the last...
  2. PapaToad


    Hi SASS
  3. PapaToad

    The person below me... Part 3 or 4 I don't really remember anymore

    Green BAY, There is a Game this weekend end, But FALSE! The person below me is a marbles collector(I could not think of anything)
  4. PapaToad

    MySpace...yuck...oh well...

    I posted it here before you can find it thru gobleet's myspace.
  5. PapaToad

    Memorable times in WoW

    I think i still have screen shots od it, but I was with timert way back when and we were in swap of sorrows, and he keep pulling orc after orc and I healed him for like over fight minutes, at one point he had like 5 orcs on him, and I was just casting away. Finally he was Like DUDE I LOVE YOU...
  6. PapaToad

    Oddbob needs YOU!

    OHHHH I want your wraith! I demand it, YA i went there Shorty! I said IT, 315 BIKE RACK! And you smell of elderberries!
  7. PapaToad

    The person below me... Part 3 or 4 I don't really remember anymore

    True i am not the person below me, misses me :)
  8. PapaToad

    Hey Goblit!

    Sorry I missed it Lady Goblit, But I am sure Cory made sure you had a WONDERFUL b-day! So for what its worth , Happy belated B Day!
  9. PapaToad


    Thanks Ich Thanks Icthus, for all you have done form the days of DOAC to now, when ever there has been a need you stood and filled it, you have been a voice of reason and clarity when many would have fallen into not so "Christ like" behavior. To use an old cliche. "You truly stood ready...
  10. PapaToad


    i'd consider it. When? where what times?
  11. PapaToad

    What is your favorite raid?

    I never raided much, but I felt I should get multiple choices :)
  12. PapaToad

    A poll for the sake of a poll

    Well i have been gone for awhile, I may get it up there yet :)
  13. PapaToad

    The person below me.... Part 2

    False Being and extraditable country and all, I am reserving that for a very raining day *wink* The person below me, likes to see gnomes tackled in a violent fashion
  14. PapaToad

    A poll for the sake of a poll

    the fact you actually took time to calculate that scares me
  15. PapaToad

    A gnomish complication (Chapter 1) The Ratchet Situation

    Chapter 22 Papa & Klang “Oh bother!” Klang thought, the magic’s were right, he felt the correct pull of energy. “Oh dear Father” he muttered under his breath.” It was dark, very dark. His gnomish eyesight wasn’t bothered by it. He could see Papa laying on the ground. The cloak disheveled...
  16. PapaToad

    How much gold does Camm have?

    Oh I see how it is, Guild chat eh? Well i needed to lurk about for awhile and see what and who was out there yet. Oh I can assure you all i will liven up, in due time. :)
  17. PapaToad

    The person below me.... Part 2

    False ( though it happen to me in the army once (ONCE!) The person below me has a hole in thier sock, and they don't really match anymore............
  18. PapaToad

    A poll for the sake of a poll

    Itchus' house by far! cause you know everyones going to be there
  19. PapaToad

    A gnomish complication (Chapter 1) The Ratchet Situation

    The Summoning Chapter 21 Goblit knew this was bad. Klangdon was screaming. “Even dead he troubles me.” The old gnome giggled. Goblit knew he was talking of the seven foot Darnassusian. They appeared in a Court yard and there was a dark figure, short for a human, and completely devoid of natural...