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  1. PapaToad

    PAlly Questions

    thank you so much I will try it all out
  2. PapaToad

    I am frustrated.

    The last line is it, Better myself for Guild, but for yourself! bring something to the Table, Love on a guildie who needs to farm something, if you need something let us know. I will apparently be re rolling a druid (to prove a point) adn besides, you just wouldn't feel the same about toadgirl...
  3. PapaToad


    Oh I am very lovable, its true!
  4. PapaToad

    Right Char to lvl up?

    :) aww shucks Ms. Goblit, you embarrass me GO ON.................... Seems I'll have to roll another druid(my 4th to prove a point)
  5. PapaToad

    Right Char to lvl up?

    Of course you would and there pretty great, then again I have been gone nearly 2 years, that will happen.
  6. PapaToad


    Its all about guild chat SPAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. PapaToad


    With so many changes I will be returning to Stone maul after the 25th. I will be seeing about playing with my pally or re rolling a druid again. As is my calling in life, LOL least wow wise, but you never know. Just to let you know just so you can be ready with the witting conversation and...
  8. PapaToad

    PAlly Questions

    Ok I need some help here, I have like ten thousand commands, i could roll a druid and level it in no time, same with a hunter. BUT you pallies have like so many buttons and they chain off each other (A stoopid concept) I would like to give my already 58 pally a chance at life. How do I...
  9. PapaToad


  10. PapaToad

    Right Char to lvl up?

    LOL I know , I am the greatest druid who ever lived................................................
  11. PapaToad

    Right Char to lvl up?

    This seems to be the challenge across the servers! druids are great, A good solid tank can not be beat with a stick! but if you want a nitch filled, its a druid baby!
  12. PapaToad

    I am frustrated.

    Ok more about my post from above. I remember this from my pastor and its eating me like fire. Not all 70’s have time to collect the mats they need, TRUE but of all of us, I can at my level gather mats at a normal hours and would willingly give those to those who have time to raid hardcore...
  13. PapaToad

    I am frustrated.

    Is it just me, are we doing the gossipy thing and nay saying thing. This should not be. Did I leave yes, and am I here now when we need people, and commeradire saying hey, there is a way through this. Elihu posts for the same reason. We are a guild founded among Christ minded members. We all...
  14. PapaToad

    Right Char to lvl up?

    I love druids, my biggest question is male or female toon, and do i bring Papatoad back, one part of my is actually excited to level him up, and see how fast I can do it. Anthor part of my was just gonna Crank out toad girl my 58 pally and ssee how I like that but I need some help getting...
  15. PapaToad

    The person below me... Part 3 or 4 I don't really remember anymore

    TRUE between my girlfriend and I we have a total of 7 children. From 20 to 4 years old. Lucky for us we can not have any because we probably would. She a wonderful Mother. The person below me wants to fill Itchus' office with those form peanut thingys. (FYI: the ones that leave a huge mess.)
  16. PapaToad

    I am frustrated.

    Raiding is not for the faint of heart. The Redeemed guild should not have to be about sole raiding , nor did I ever think it was! Now forgive me because I have not been around of late, but I remember so much and most all of it good. Just like any game or hobby, some will play as a game...
  17. PapaToad


    HEY this isn't Fan articles! What the crazinesss..................
  18. PapaToad

    PAlly Questions

    As I stated I have a 58 Pally on the server i inherited. it Was Dawifes account but she no longer plays. Are Pallys viable Tanks i here good and bad things about them. Can anyone send me some linkage on pally tanks? And give some advice good bad indifferent.
  19. PapaToad

    The person below me... Part 3 or 4 I don't really remember anymore

    not true, The person below me sleeps with their teddy bear YET!