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  1. Colossal

    MC, Team Eternity, and your Questions

    This is one of those topics where im just gonna shake my head and watch it unfold.............
  2. Colossal

    MC, Team Eternity, and your Questions

    Team Eternity is Redeemeds raid why would ouside guild members leaders lead its raids? In the past I dont recall anyone from other guilds leading them, mystique never led TE raids even thou he was combining guild master
  3. Colossal

    MC, Team Eternity, and your Questions

    Am i correct when i say Team Eternity is Redeemed combined with others .....not Sanctification combined with others. This is maybe the stupidest thing ive seen in a while where it can eventually wind up splitting people from one another. People will leave and there will wind up with no contact...
  4. Colossal

    Allegations of forcing Avesther from Head Raid Coordinator

    This is the 2nd time ive heard this in the same day and im still not quite sure what it means can someone explain?
  5. Colossal


    Thats my woman :eek: i mean pet
  6. Colossal

    Happy Day

    GRATS PW/PRICELESS WOHOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. Colossal

    Thanks to the members

    <3 Tebran
  8. Colossal

    Roll Call

    Wow oh and occasionally I go to school, im starting to get back into CSS I played recently and was doing pretty well which inspired me to keep playing
  9. Colossal

    Forum outage reset everyone's post-count.

    This topic forming crashed the forums not 1nce but 2ce! WOOT WOOT MIRAKLE!
  10. Colossal


  11. Colossal

    Why the forums were down?

    Its just good Icthus does not spam at all :D if he did wed all be up till very late reading all the posts.... oh wait that is happening now
  12. Colossal


    Most of the bosses need to be positioned EXACTLY right in order not to wipe the raid as for Razorgore it seems best to have druids sleep the dragonkins instead of sheeped as if one is loose a hunter can easily multi shot and pick up a couple....aspect of the monkey can keep you alive
  13. Colossal

    Thought id share this strange event

    Wiered huh? i was able to pull him from the floor underneath run back and FD then he was untargetable :P
  14. Colossal

    Colossis says his goodbyes...

    Hey, for those of you who were not on last night I switched Colossis to Cho'gall server to be with friends. I would like to thank Redeemed as a whole for my whole 1-60 lvls and the gear ive gotten. I will continue to play there as much as I can on my paladin Frankel gimme a whisper :). I hope...
  15. Colossal

    Icthus' next chars name.

    He beat me to it :P
  16. Colossal

    Icthus' next chars name.

    Theres already an IcthusII right?
  17. Colossal


    Well i must be blind