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  1. BlockHeadLewie

    Friday March 25, 2016

    I honestly don't see this scripture saying anything about "count the comfortable things as joy" nor does it say "count the easy things as joy". It don't even allow us to consider anything at all as excluded from our counting as joy. Yet each and every one of us find ourselves focused on the...
  2. BlockHeadLewie

    New World! It needs YOU! And maybe a name. And a plan... plans are good too.

    Okies, first off: LOVE the world! (If it's still on the table for offered names for the world, right off the bat I think of "Utopia". First because it has SO much to offer as well as plenty of materials. Just my $0.02) Next let me say I deeply apologize and WILL make amends if anything mentioned...
  3. BlockHeadLewie

    Announcing ToJ Chainworld!

    Has there been any progress with this project? I've watched a couple of them on YouTube and they do seem interesting, challenging and highly complex if the previous player(s) weren't, well, organized or with some form of skill(s). Peace! :cool:
  4. BlockHeadLewie

    ToJ Server Whitelist

    Weeeeeee! Thank you! :D
  5. BlockHeadLewie


    I, seeing as I am trying to become a member, do not see why I should be exempt from this request. Even if the thread is a little dusty! REAL long story short: I was the last chance for my mother to have a child before menopause. Still births, crib deaths and many miscarriages were before me so...
  6. BlockHeadLewie

    ToJ Server Whitelist

    Thank you. I tried to log in but it says I'm still not Whitelisted? I'm supposed to use the address in the first post, correct? :confused:
  7. BlockHeadLewie

    [Weekly - F/Sa] Week In Review

    I've been fighting again. Every day it seems there is a new battle against me, but fortunately I wear the Armor required! Peace keeps me walking in the right direction, Salvation covers my head, Righteousness protects my heart, Truth maintains itself all around me, Faith shields me from lies and...
  8. BlockHeadLewie

    So what's everyone playing these days?

    God is Good like that! He will show us things when we aren't expecting and later we realize how it fits in our lives. Glory! :cool:
  9. BlockHeadLewie

    Gastroenteritis. Again. :(

    I have YET to see the righteous forsaken! Go God! :cool:
  10. BlockHeadLewie

    Friday March 18, 2016

    We, having the Mind of Christ, should understand there is much more to a person than outward appearance. Just because someone looks a specific way does not mean that is the way they are. Let's all remember that what we see isn't what God sees.
  11. BlockHeadLewie

    Friday March 11, 2016

    God sets the appointments, it's up to us to keep them. Glad to be here, honored to serve! :cool:
  12. BlockHeadLewie

    "Help wanted," available staff positions

    I think we're good on that front, thanks tons! (I'll do my bestest to do you proud!) Peace! :cool:
  13. BlockHeadLewie

    Friday March 11, 2016

    Yes it's late, but it's here. Interesting things is I can actually use this for a good verse: We go through our lives always making plans for this or that, but how many of us actually include God directly in those plans? I know I'm guilty of leaving God out at times. This verse tells us God...
  14. BlockHeadLewie

    "Help wanted," available staff positions

    Um, bump maybe plus I'm supposed to be able to add a Verse of the Day and can't? Peace! :cool:
  15. BlockHeadLewie

    So what's everyone playing these days?

    I am opening a support group for people with my condition. I'll be calling it: MCA. Too many people, like myself, are literally blocked in by Minecraft! We say things like "There are no other games than Minecraft!" and "Minecraft rules all games!" as well as "Leave me alone, I'm playing...
  16. BlockHeadLewie

    ToJ Server Whitelist

    I presume I'm taking the correct steps. Would really not like taking a step out of order! I guess I've been added to the roster, to be honest I'm still learning things here. (lol?) Having said that, I'm formerly requesting to be added to the whitelist please? Requested information: Name as...
  17. BlockHeadLewie

    [Weekly - Su/M] What did you learn/teach at church?

    Although I've been quite distracted with certain "reality issues" and missed services both Last Wednesday, Sunday and again tonight, Our Wonderful and Everlasting Father still offers lessons to me in my daily living. The largest lesson I've received through these latest days of distraction and...
  18. BlockHeadLewie

    Ho-ly Cow!

    Halleluiah! I've never seen the Righteous forsaken! Oh Glory! :cool:
  19. BlockHeadLewie

    Conceal and Carry

    Well I hope it's ok to necro old threads, let alone even mention the word. LoL Yes? No? Spaghetti? Anyways, I don't know how many at my church carry but I do know there are Deputies and retired enforcement people, so who knows? I personally have a split opinion in this matter, but do favor...
  20. BlockHeadLewie

    I've looked much of this website over, seen a ton of growth and support among it's membership...

    I've looked much of this website over, seen a ton of growth and support among it's membership and heavy flow of Truth everywhere. I'm glad Christ Centered Gamer suggested I come here! Thanks for having me! Peace! :) "A word of encouragement to our leaders is a good form of expressing the...