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  1. BlockHeadLewie

    Announcing ToJ Chainworld!

    Okies then, all I gotta do is be patient! Thanks! :cool:
  2. BlockHeadLewie

    Questions about the Christian Gamers Alliance TeamSpeak 3 server

    So, um, who's usually on when and where? I'm getting life back "in order" so time is beginning to become available again. I'll be honest, I'm mainly looking for some MC chat, but obviously one can not live on MC alone! Peace! :cool:
  3. BlockHeadLewie

    Friday April 29, 2016

    Ever watch a baker fix a watch? Did you ever see a doctor on the line as a cook? How about a librarian with a jackhammer? No these things don't seem to be real, yet I myself have watched these events take place in my past. The baker actually had a deep interest in timepieces and could do more...
  4. BlockHeadLewie

    Announcing ToJ Chainworld!

    I've had contact with CowRocket, yes. I just thought since there was interest before (I believe it was Lost?) I spoke up thinking I'd keep myself in que just in case. Like I said, it's only fair! Sure hope Lost isn't, well, lost! :cool:
  5. BlockHeadLewie

    Announcing ToJ Chainworld!

    Will this also be in ver 1.9.2? I know there were others interested before I up so here's your chance to type up again before I take a shot! It's only FAIR this post gets made! (Or, if you want some backup, a dynamic duo?) Peace! :cool:
  6. BlockHeadLewie

    Server Updated!

    Sadly I do remember reading that and apologize for forgetting about it. This has nothing to do with being a blockhead this time, it's all my bad. (insert shy lol here) Peace! :D
  7. BlockHeadLewie

    Server Updated!

    Um, did this update somehow delete my ability to use commands? Not able to access "/home" or anything? Good thing I wasn't too far but I did get lost while cutting wood and tried it, but no avail. I found a skymark. Kinda like a landmark, but in the sky. Thanks! :cool:
  8. BlockHeadLewie

    [Weekly - F/Sa] Week In Review

    Well seems from the last (transmission) off these fingers into the forums like this I've been faced with the same old same old. Kinda wish I had some of your situations to deal with for a change, but then I wouldn't be me, would I? Starting to be more involved with CCGR, my "home", if you will...
  9. BlockHeadLewie

    So what is going on?!

    I myself have a humble beginning of a building. Reality tries to keep me enthralled, but the forces at work making this blockhead at least keep trying continues to sway me into, well, something. I'll go ahead and say I stand behind my first comment with the addendums of I know we as a community...
  10. BlockHeadLewie

    So what is going on?!

    I've held off commenting since I'm one of the newer members here. I'm open to whatever the majority wishes. I will admit I'll miss the head-start I gained from the donation chests, but that's Minecraft! Peace! :cool:
  11. BlockHeadLewie

    Server Updated!

    This should be interesting! I can't wait to get back into my natural state: Blockheaded! Peace! :cool:
  12. BlockHeadLewie

    [Weekly - F/Sa] Week In Review

    Every year I volunteer at the Fly-In is better than the last year. I end up with one more new friend from somewhere in the world. Truth be told, and it's best to do so anyways, I really haven't much of a life worth talking about, but when the Fly-In comes to town I feel so alive and useful. Once...
  13. BlockHeadLewie

    Friday, April 22 2016

    God knows His Plans much better than we do. In fact God understands His Plans better than we understand our own. Every day His schedule is maintained with the greatest stability while ours sometimes fall apart before they even start. When there is "More of Him and less of me" His Plans become...
  14. BlockHeadLewie

    [Weekly - F/Sa] Week In Review

    All week I prepared for the annual Sun-n-Fun Fly-In at Lakeland Linder Regional Airport. This weekend, all next week and part of next weekend I'll be camping on sight among some popular pilots. I'll be driving a golf cart for disabled persons as well as escort for vets and ViP's. Peace! :cool:
  15. BlockHeadLewie

    Friday April 1, 2016

    Seeing as it's April 1st, or April Fools Day, I thought a verse fit for fools would be in order: Those who are of the world: Those who are not aware they have an ability to do something, those who are aware of this ability and chose not to use it, those who wish for this ability and truly...
  16. BlockHeadLewie

    Pray For my Father, Please

    You are stronger than you think. I can read it in your words. You know it's written: "Greater is He who is in me than he who is in the world." It is also written we are to "Be in this world, not of it." Although "He" is greater than the enemy, greater than bad people and greater than the world...
  17. BlockHeadLewie


    I play when time allows, and until I fully find my place I'm mainly a follower when it comes to joining an already made family such as this. Whatever happens to the server, I'll go with the flow. Soon I expect a little time and I could help gather some materials for a city. With three people...
  18. BlockHeadLewie

    Easter 2016

    Hallelujah! Glory Hallelujah! His TRUTH keeps MARCHING on! Woot! Woot! :cool:
  19. BlockHeadLewie

    Server Map

    Love it! I can see my house from here! (My house needs work...) Thank you! :cool:
  20. BlockHeadLewie

    [Weekly - F/Sa] Week In Review

    I do believe this week was slightly less stressful than most, Glory to God! Wife & I are starting to make some communication progress, which does resolve much in the way of confusion on both our parts. God must have big plans for Crossroad Cornucopia. When the people were wandering the desert...