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  1. BlockHeadLewie

    Announcing ToJ Chainworld!

    I happen to have access to Dropbox now so passing on the world is that much easier. It's just waiting for a receiver! (Seeing as this is a ToJ project, or CGA even, I would feel it as improper to go beyond ToJ (CGA) members.) Peace! :cool:
  2. BlockHeadLewie

    Announcing ToJ Chainworld!

    Still in possession of the chain. It's starting to drag me down lol it's heavy! Dschknight declines at this time, so it's either TDW (two players between us now) or someone else who hasn't gone yet. Unless TDW wishes to relax on the rules a little... Peace! :cool:
  3. BlockHeadLewie

    Prayer for Tek's mom

    The only thing God can't do is go back on His Word. My prayers go up with the others...
  4. BlockHeadLewie

    Sneak Peak

    That looks as big as a house! :cool:
  5. BlockHeadLewie

    Future of the Server \ Community

    For the record I myself don't get a lot of chance to safely and properly use TS, which I have. I don't quite understand the rest, save Skype, mainly because I try to keep life as simple as I can get. (I have too much distractions otherwise.) Having said that, and because I am a member here I am...
  6. BlockHeadLewie

    Announcing ToJ Chainworld!

    BTW, was more than one skelly. I didn't stand a chance. I'm ready whenever Sir Knight is ready, my PM box awaits! If not then by the rules of the first post you are now eligible as well: "Have at least two people in between your turn." Someone's future awaits! Peace! :cool:
  7. BlockHeadLewie

    Announcing ToJ Chainworld!

    And that's it for me. Skelly's sux. LOL At least I didn't die far away. Can't say exactly where, but I'm sure that whomever is next won't have much trouble finding my 'corpse' (inventory). All I will say is this: BE CAREFUL! Peace!
  8. BlockHeadLewie

    I beat the End Dragon!

    Scratch one ender dragon! Nice job! :cool:
  9. BlockHeadLewie

    Announcing ToJ Chainworld!

    I am still working out how to get my recorder to work right, but YouTube will be seeing some uploads soon enough. There is, if I remember right, a five minute timer on the items dropped at death? Meaning whomever takes over has five minutes before they despawn, right? Sorta leaves a lot of world...
  10. BlockHeadLewie

    Announcing ToJ Chainworld!

    I didn't get a chance to do anything yesterday because my wife had my full and undivided attention, so I ran a bit this morning. I don't even really know if I'm supposed to be making these posts, but until I'm told otherwise here's another update (And yes, I'm leaving out a LOT from now on): Day...
  11. BlockHeadLewie

    Friday May 6, 2016

    When we try to do things ourselves, we will fail every time. It may seem like we're making progress when in fact we're headed the opposite direction, deceived by Satan. We need to remain focused on The Lord and Him alone. It is His Strength, His Power and His Might that comes to us with The Holy...
  12. BlockHeadLewie

    So what's everyone playing these days?

    Okies, so far all I've been playing is Minecraft. At present I have a specific schedule to be able to maintain some form of positive relationship with several forums regarding MC as well as their servers themselves, my ministry, reality, etc. Oh yeah, and my personal free-time. (Usually about...
  13. BlockHeadLewie

    Announcing ToJ Chainworld!

    Um, now wait a moment. Please, and with all due respect, re-read my name again? This ain't no lol! This is hope and prayers and unity! Each of us is a Link in the Chain World and bare our loads. I, erm, don't wish to expose any (game secrets?) to at-present non-players, (I may actually keep a...
  14. BlockHeadLewie

    Questions about the Christian Gamers Alliance TeamSpeak 3 server

    LoL That's interesting: A corrected correction. Never seen that before! :D
  15. BlockHeadLewie

    Announcing ToJ Chainworld!

    Yeppers, golden apples FTW. Happened to have a couple apples and there is enough gold for one. Just one. I haven't made it yet, but I keep looking at the gold and remember "Take it slow. There are others depending on you!" Might seriously start looking in the deep, dark, dangerous mine left unto...
  16. BlockHeadLewie

    Announcing ToJ Chainworld!

    Um, yeah, I died inside a wall when I first logged in also. So I went ahead and resumed. Day 2: Spent 5 game days (maybe 3 hours on and off) working on a roof for the house, gathering some wood and peeking about a little to see what's nearby. Stupid baby zombies ganged up on me (2 of them) but I...
  17. BlockHeadLewie

    Announcing ToJ Chainworld!

    LoL Yup you did. Thanks! It was buried a little. I get WAY too much email! Well, here goes nada! Day 1: Preparing to play. Wondering who's going to get it next. Peace! :cool:
  18. BlockHeadLewie

    Announcing ToJ Chainworld!

    I would take a moment to ask that those who have played already please send me a message of anything I'll need to know in order to make the most of what you've done already. Unless of course this is against the rules of a chain world, in which case don't send me any messages to the inbox. I...
  19. BlockHeadLewie

    I believe my laptop is dying

    This reminds me of a saying that was told me: Glad all's a bit better! :cool:
  20. BlockHeadLewie

    Questions about the Christian Gamers Alliance TeamSpeak 3 server

    That's pretty kewl. Thanks! I'm part Dr, I have lots of patience to watch and wait for replies! I'll pop in when I can, for sure! :cool: