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  1. BlockHeadLewie

    Server Showcase and Updates!

    I have decided to create a rather impressive maze through the area. It won't be easy, to be sure, but it's not going to be impossible (impassable either!) I am also considering a rather large glass structure which may also be explored. I always wanted to build a huge cross...
  2. BlockHeadLewie

    New Server Announcement!

    Thank you! Life is good! Jesus is better! Wait, they're one and the same. Never mind! Thank you!
  3. BlockHeadLewie

    Please pray for my wife and myself...

    Thank you! I am very sure God has His Hand on us and my wife and I are within His Will. Why else would Satan keep attacking us? It's just like Job, but with different names! Don't make it easy to handle, however, as a mere human. I didn't say it can't be handled, just not easy. I'd rather have...
  4. BlockHeadLewie

    Nether portals

    Ah yes, I hadn't thought of that. Remember, I am a blockhead! (lol anyone?) Hey, we learn something new every day. I keep learning I have more to learn! (About a lot of everything!)
  5. BlockHeadLewie

    Future of the Server \ Community

    So far the only problem I have with the server is personal: I can't find enough time to play! LoL You can't solve that one!
  6. BlockHeadLewie

    "Considered, not Consumed"

    In light of my recent trials I've been going through, as well as sudden surprises in reality (losing electricity), I have to share this message I received at church Sunday. This is WAY shorter than the message I got, but the basic message is not lost: Have you ever read the book of Job? No it's...
  7. BlockHeadLewie

    Please pray for my wife and myself...

    Well we had no electricity for a while and that almost drove my wife mad. I say almost because there were hardly no troubles getting her to calm down and trust God. Please continue to pray for us as there is no change in her mentality and mine is beginning to stagger as well with all the stress...
  8. BlockHeadLewie

    "Help wanted," available staff positions

    Sorry I have not been available for quite a while. We lost our lights and just got them back on today.
  9. BlockHeadLewie

    New Server Announcement!

    Could there maybe be created a thread with available commands? I know there's /help in game and all, but there are SO many details I truly get lost scrolling up and down the chat...
  10. BlockHeadLewie

    Nether portals

    Wouldn't it be easier (and safer) if there were one main portal for all to use? Kinda solves the, erm, math problem maybe?
  11. BlockHeadLewie


    LoL Does it count as an issue if I prefer to chat via MC's chat and not the map? **smiles**
  12. BlockHeadLewie

    Announcing ToJ Chainworld!

    Unfortunately I found out I can't use Dropbox. However I can still transfer it via email... **looks about** ...If anyone is interested? LoL
  13. BlockHeadLewie

    New Server Announcement!

    I'm in the world now deciding where I wish to place my homestead. I got the map to display ok. Now, where to start... :cool:
  14. BlockHeadLewie

    Announcing ToJ Chainworld!

    A polite bump... (Still no takers?) ...I'm bumping politely! Peace! :cool:
  15. BlockHeadLewie

    New Server Announcement!

    Sweet! I'll wash my character completely as I wouldn't want any cross contamination from the other world! :D
  16. BlockHeadLewie

    Announcing Dungeons!

    Sweet! So if I'm reading this right, we'll have dungeons after the server is reset? Looking forward to it! :cool:
  17. BlockHeadLewie

    Prayer for Tek's mom

    Way to Go God! Woot! Woot! Prayers still going up...
  18. BlockHeadLewie

    So, who is ready for some excitement?!?

    Wow! That's a BIG building! As for opening the server to others, let them come from the North, South, East and West! (But let them come hungry and thirsty and ready for a banquet...) Peace! :cool:
  19. BlockHeadLewie

    New Minecraft Staff Member

    Nice! I can't wait to see what the future holds! Peace! :cool:
  20. BlockHeadLewie

    Friday May 13, 2016

    It stands to reason if we're in a fight, we should be well protected. Since we are in a spiritual battle, we need to be protected spiritually. The Bible is full of verses telling us how strong and protective God can be, but only if we're focused on Him. Having once served our mutual enemy before...