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  1. Tek7

    [Weekly - W] Now Playing

    Still Puzzle & Dragons. Built a team for optimized event farming then used it far less than originally planned. Still Smash Bros. Ultimate, too. Made my way to what I think (?) is the final boss in World of Light, but I'm waiting until the younger child can watch before tackling the fight...
  2. Tek7

    [Weekly - Su/M] What did you learn/teach at church?

    This past Sunday, our pastor delivered a sermon on unexpected delays and used the exodus of the Israelites from Egypt (and specifically Exodus 13:17-22) to illustrate the lesson points. The highlight for me, having grown up in a church sub-culture that trended toward Prosperity Gospel, was the...
  3. Tek7

    [Weekly - F/Sa] Week In Review

    Last week was a break from the norm as I spent the work week in training. The course was very informative and the labs, conducted in virtual machines and accessed by web browser, were very helpful in learning new-to-me tech. The course featured so much information that I described the class as...
  4. Tek7

    [Weekly - Su/M] What did you learn/teach at church?

    Our pastor taught on Jesus' conversation with the disciples on the road to Emmaus (Luke 24:13-27). The main points were that (1) the doctrine of the Resurrection is essential to Christianity and (2) what you believe about the Resurrection has eternal significance. He also pointed out that Jesus...
  5. Tek7

    [Weekly - F/Sa] Week In Review

    Work has been consistently inconsistent in terms of workload, with recent weeks shifting from eerily quiet to quite busy but still manageable. @Ember and I have been fully vaccinated since February. We're still proceeding cautiously, but numbers in our community are trending the right way and...
  6. Tek7

    [Weekly - W] Now Playing

    Still Puzzle & Dragons. Random chance continues to be unkind. Still Overwatch, Deep Rock Galactic, Team Fortress 2, and Guns of Icarus Alliance for online multiplayer fun. Played some Super Mario Bros. 35 this last week to celebrate/mourn the end of the game's availability. Made it to second...
  7. Tek7

    Happy Easter!

    He is risen! Luke 24:1-9, ESV
  8. Tek7

    PHOENIX UPDATE: PvP event will open on the 19th March 2021

    @Solicfear My apologies for not approving your post sooner! I know the event has ended, but I wanted to go ahead and approve the post and move it to the CGA General Discussion forum for higher visibility. I wish you the best with future events!
  9. Tek7

    [Weekly - W] Now Playing

    Still Puzzle & Dragons and Wordscapes on mobile. Monogatari collab ends in PAD tonight. Random chance was unkind to my main account when it came to the REM (rare egg machine, PAD's gacha) but kinder to my alt. Continuing to make progress in World of Light in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. Had...
  10. Tek7

    Forums changelog

    Updated Omni style to version 2.2.4 (March 14, 2021).
  11. Tek7

    Forums changelog

    Updated XenForo to version 2.2.4 (March 14, 2021).
  12. Tek7

    Gaming with Raspberry Pi

    I don't have any specific experience in this arena, but perhaps something like Box86 could be of use?
  13. Tek7

    [Weekly - W] Now Playing

    Still Puzzle & Dragons. Still Smash Bros. Ultimate World of Light mode and Spirit Board. Been focusing on Legend spirits on Spirit Board. Still Team Fortress 2 for Tribe of Judah's TF2sday game nights. Recently completed my Scout promotion assignment in Deep Rock Galactic. Hoping to play my...
  14. Tek7

    Forums changelog

    Updated Omni style to version 2.2.3 (February 6, 2021).
  15. Tek7

    Forums changelog

    Updated XenForo to version 2.2.3 (February 6, 2021).
  16. Tek7


    OVERWATCH! We have several folks who play Overwatch on the CGA Discord server. Feel free to drop in some time, ping me (@Tek7), and I can add you to the Overwatch role. That way, when you or others are looking to play Overwatch, you or they can ping the Overwatch role and we can assemble a...
  17. Tek7

    [Weekly - F/Sa] Week In Review

    Work is picking back up, which is a mixed bag. Feels like I've been working on this department move for a very long time and it's been less than a week (but I've known it was in the works for months). Family is still 'rona-free, which is cause for praise. I'm over 7 days out from my second shot...
  18. Tek7

    [Weekly - W] Now Playing

    Still Puzzle & Dragons. Smash Bros. Ultimate's World of Light mode has been a chill and therapeutic single-player gaming experience and I appreciate it very much right now. Started playing Yakuza 0 again. At least for about an hour total in the last week. Played some Kirby Star Allies with...
  19. Tek7

    A Minor Observation

    It wasn't my intention to imply that you were a QAnon believer, but after re-reading my post, it's very easy to see how my post seems to suggest exactly that. I apologize for my poor phrasing. I admit that the last few weeks have been mentally exhausting. I considered and still consider myself...
  20. Tek7

    A Minor Observation

    I am unable to make the leap of faith necessary to agree with a position that holds the presidential election was stolen after Trump and the GOP lost over 50 related lawsuits. I'm also unable to make the leap of faith necessary to agree that Antifa was responsible for the insurrection when...