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  1. DannyMeister

    Urgent need of TS admin

    Found out how to restore my previous identity from the old hard drive. This thread can be deleted, thanks.
  2. DannyMeister

    Urgent need of TS admin

    another round of foul mouthed anti-Christian trolls. I lost my admin rights when I rebuild my PC. Anyone around? I"m not seeing anybody on TS or Steam.
  3. DannyMeister

    Who's interested in commanding?

    I just commanded for the first time. Thanks to NotCrazyDan for some guidance. I am still smack dab in the middle of the "derp phase" but I think I could get to like it after time.
  4. DannyMeister

    Natural Selection 2 Steam IDs (important)

    Name: []DannyMeister SteamID: STEAM_0:0:5513418 Steam Community link: Invite me to the private group, please! :)
  5. DannyMeister

    One last hurrah for the ToJ L4D2 server?

    Oh that is sad news, though I've played L4D2 fewer times than a one-armed manufacturer of homemade fireworks could count on his fingers. I'm going to be busy tomorrow night though playing Magic with Turbo164 and a couple other friends.
  6. DannyMeister

    Amazon Store - Support CGA!

    So let me get this straight... all I need to do is add ?tag=christiangame-20 to the end of any product URL and the affiliate will get picked up on? I sure wish I would have remembered about this CGA Amazon store earlier. I've done so much spending there recently. :o Would have been nice...
  7. DannyMeister

    Unreal Monday

    Fun games this week! My arm and fingers gave out at 2 and a half hours. nice populated server for the whole time. The CBP3 maps are all pretty cool. We never got to play the Quake map though. I want to make sure to vote it in next time. Tek, we had some team games after you left :/
  8. DannyMeister

    Humble THQ Bundle

    I picked up the Bundle on Friday, really more for the soundtracks than the games because there's nothing like dramatic orchestral music to keep me going at work. But Metro 2033 has been on my Steam wishlist for a couple years so that's nice too!
  9. DannyMeister

    Unreal Deal Pack

    Yeah, if you won't play it, no sense. But I do have to say there is an incredible amount of value in the deal, especially considering the many total conversion mods in UT and UT2004. It's also nice having a copy of the original Unreal around so you can see what it was that started this whole...
  10. DannyMeister

    Unreal Deal Pack

    Just in case there exists anyone out there that doesn't already have all the Unreal games, the pack is once again on sale on Steam in celebration of UT's 13th birthday. Grab ALL the Unreal titles for only $13.59, or UT3 for $6.79. There has been a new pack of maps released for UT3 as well...
  11. DannyMeister

    Unreal Monday

    GGs! I really enjoyed our games tonight, especially DM-Facesmash even if Mostly_Harmless did have to come back and steal away the win by a point and ruin my dominating streak :D
  12. DannyMeister

    Tek daydreams about building a new PC (again)

    Your build is looking great. Holding back for a better price on the video card is probably fine, 450's still do pretty well.
  13. DannyMeister

    Community Bonus Pack 3 vol 5

    A new pack of UT3 maps that I've really been anticipating has been released this last weekend! I won't have enough time to get them on the server for this week, but go download and install them now in preparation for next week!
  14. DannyMeister

    Natural Selection 2 - Who has it? Who wants it? ToJ NS2 chapter and server?

    OK, I skipped the 5 pages of posts, but I just wanted to drop in and say that I've tried out NS2 for an hour or so of play now and I really enjoy it!
  15. DannyMeister

    Unreal Monday

  16. DannyMeister

    Word Association The Sequel

  17. DannyMeister

    Cliff Bleszinski Departs Epic It's sad to see CliffyB leave when he's been so influential in several of my favorite game series. I wonder what this does to the direction of the Unreal universe.
  18. DannyMeister

    Unreal Monday

    We've been playing at 8 CST this year. :) Kind of confusing, I know. Times were shuffled a few times to meet what was the best cross-zone time for the active player's schedules.
  19. DannyMeister

    Unreal Monday

    GGs. Last few weeks my computer has been crashing when playing UT3. I finally got fed up and cracked it open tonight... DUST CARPET. My temps are now very reasonable :D