Anyone have some helpful Links they could post here? There are a ton of other websites that have helpful information or selling of TF2 Items or misc and weapon information. Post them here if you know of any good ones!

This Link is a quick reference to find all about any Cosmetic Items for any Class in TF2... Scroll down a bit till you see List of Cosmetic Items and Choose what Class you want to see the Items for.

This Link is a quick reference to see all the Unusual Possibilities for Items in TF2... Scroll down and you will see every possible Unusual Effect offered in TF2 - even for Taunts and Weapons!

This Link is a quick reference to Learn all about KillStreak Kit and What the different Levels are... Scroll down to find out the difference between 3 types of Killstreaks.

This Link takes you to Gamebanana where you can find Downloads for Custom Maps for TF2...
(This one is specifically to the MarioBlast Map.)

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