Recent content by Tek7

  1. Tek7

    Looking for Christian Corporation to join in Eve Online

    DeezGodStoreez, welcome to the CGA Forums! This thread originated in 2009 and most of the posts are from 2019, but there may still be interest in an EVE Online Christian corp out there today. I've shared a link to your post with our Discord server and asked if any of our EVE players would be...
  2. Tek7

    Call for donations for XenForo add-on "Signup abuse detection and blocking"

    Good morning, CGA community! I'm posting a rare call for donations to purchase a license for the XenForo add-on Signup abuse detection and blocking. The add-on costs $45 USD for the first year and $30 USD per year after. After extensive research, trial, and error trying to combat the deluge of...
  3. Tek7

    Forums account registration emails not sending (February 2025)

    @Hescominsoon put a workaround in place to resolve the outbound email issue. We also have a ticket open with XenForo support to continue troubleshooting. Outbound emails are working again I plan to update this thread after we arrive at a permanent solution.
  4. Tek7

    Forums account registration emails not sending (February 2025)

    Outbound email has stopped working and the CGA Forums are currently unable to send account registration emails. If you register a forums account, please also stop by the CGA Discord server and ping me (@ Tek7 minus the space between) so I can manually verify your account until we resolve the...
  5. Tek7

    XenForo updated to 2.3.6

    XenForo updated to 2.3.6
  6. Tek7

    IP Change for TF2 Server

    @MonstroMarthias777 The ToJ TF2 server is back online at but SourceMod is currently disabled.
  7. Tek7

    IP Change for TF2 Server

    I submitted a ticket to NFO Server support and I'm waiting for a response now. I tried restarting the server from the control panel and it didn't work. :'(
  8. Tek7

    XenForo updated to 2.3.4, Omni style updated to 2.3.4

    XenForo updated to 2.3.4, Omni style updated to 2.3.4
  9. Tek7

    CGA Friday Game Night game candidates

    It occurred to me to mention that a few of us have played Grounded during past Friday night game nights. It's been a while, but I'd be happy to get back to the game.
  10. Tek7

    Recommended mods for Deep Rock Galactic

    ROCK AND STONE! This post is reserved for recommendations for mods for Deep Rock Galactic. Please reply with any recommendations and I can add them to this post.
  11. Tek7

    What are you thankful for?

    Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! What are you all thankful for this year? I'm thankful for family (including three healthy, kind, and strong-willed children and a wonderful wife), a great local church, an excellent online community (that's you guys :3), and so many other ways in which God has...
  12. Tek7

    USA National Election: The night before

    Agreed. Your post reminded I'd written last month that seems appropriate to repost here: One of my goals as leader of the CGA community is to encourage believers who are not already attending and involved in a local church to find one that teaches sound Biblical doctrine, join, connect with...
  13. Tek7

    USA National Election: The night before

    While the method of conversation was strange (Gerbil voiced his concerns during a Discord call and I took approximately a week to gather my thoughts and write a lengthy reply which I then sent by forums DM), I did listen and I took time to think over and respond to your concerns. Considering it...
  14. Tek7

    USA National Election: The night before

    I think you've cut to the heart of the matter. To quote James Carville, "It's the economy, stupid" (and to be abundantly clear, I'm not calling anyone "stupid," that's the quote). I think it's clear to differentiate between the wealthy idolizing wealth (the rich want to get even richer...
  15. Tek7

    USA National Election: The night before

    As I posted in reply to MonstroMarthias777 last week, "Our forums do not have any rules against political discussion and people are free to share their opinions (within reason, of course), but don't be surprised if someone responds with a counterargument." I'll add that no one is forcing you or...