Recent content by Syphonix

  1. Syphonix

    Ummm Hello :)

    Hi there, My handle is SyphonNZ I just brought 'Halflife 2' GOTY edition 2006 I have a couple of really good mates who talked me into it ..hehe so anyways i signed up with you guys ages ago when i was playing World of Warcraft. I thought I'd send ya a post to see whats going on in all things...
  2. Syphonix

    Wanting to sign up.

    Thanks for the quick response... Woah...good to see a guild that has peeps who check out and use the :D I thought I am best to explain why I am looking for a new guild in the first place. RToo cut a loooong story short. TACP started off really strong we had about 4-5 lvl 60's...
  3. Syphonix

    Wanting to sign up.

    Hello, Paul's my name. I'd like to introduce myself! I am 26 years old and live in Christchurch, New Zealand I have been playing WoW since 29 July 2005. I am looking for a good wholesome guild who are committed to raiding, PvP, and running high end Instances. (but above all just having fun...