Recent content by Phaith

  1. Phaith

    Is there really a "silent" witness?

    It would seem to me any discussion with regard to how vocal our witness is should be in context with how God has individually gifted us by His Holy Spirit. Having said that, I believe it's also said in I Peter 3:15; "15 But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an...
  2. Phaith

    Anub'Arak - ToGC 10 - Heroic

    /agree - our 10 man team got it with 48 attempts last week.... soooo close to Tribute to Insanity!!! Now we have to focus on ICC so not sure when we'll go back. We also have Firefighter and One Light in the Darkness left from Ulduar.
  3. Phaith

    Training Grounds

    I'd like to try again this weekend if we have people still at 25-27. I haven't been on Aion much at all as we've been working Hard Modes and stuff on WoW getting ready for ICC. And yes, I wish I could bring my shadow priest to Aion - have a lot of time invested in him (something over 200 days...
  4. Phaith

    Finish that sentence!

    can't say I did that one but I was leading an implementation conference call when I mentioned I needed to go /afk for a bit. A couple of the 20 or so people on the call immediately blurted out - "do you play WoW?"
  5. Phaith

    Finish that sentence!

    ... when you see it snowing and look around for the mage.
  6. Phaith

    Shadow Priest 101

    Another very handy addon for SPs is the shadowgreenlight mod This addon notifies you when a refresh of your SW:P is warranted given the application of raid buffs such as Sanctified Retribution, Shadow Weaving, etc. It...
  7. Phaith

    Training Grounds

    ok let's shoot for 5 PM Eastern, 2 PM server time. I'll post if something else comes up :rolleyes:
  8. Phaith

    Training Grounds

    I'll be on tomorrow morning early east coast time and then again later afternoon which I think is around 1 or 2 server time. Can we hook up then? Tomorrow night I have a WoW hard modes raid but will also be on Sunday before and after church.
  9. Phaith

    Training Grounds

    I'd like to know if anyone else needs Training Grounds on any of their toons. I'm kinda stuck trying to PuG it but even if there's one or two others we can at least spam as a group :p
  10. Phaith

    Anub'arak Video

    Sorry if I'm posting this and you guys have switched it up a bit - but we're on farm with this guy and there's a couple things we learned that you may be doing already. First of all - our ranged dps primarily focuses on Anub and melee takes the first set of burrowers down with a combination...
  11. Phaith

    Anub'Arak - ToGC 10 - Heroic

    We run 2 healers and are unfortunately heavy on melee for that fight. The fight log is at Our pally healer is just over the top good but we have a resto druid that imo is so-so. If we had a 10 man HM capable...
  12. Phaith

    Anub'Arak - ToGC 10 - Heroic

    Yeah you're right about the submerge occurring away from the permafrost. We started calling the tank to move away from permafrost 10 seconds before submerge (call goes out at 12 secs). This was after we had a couple wipes at around 6 - 7% where he came up through the permafrost right after...
  13. Phaith

    Anub'Arak - ToGC 10 - Heroic

    If you want to see a fairly humorous progression kinda one man left standing video - this is our first kill of Anub 10 heroic taken from our pally healer's perspective. We incorporate the same main elements of strategy. After our first couple of...
  14. Phaith

    **Official Tradeskill/Crafting Thread**

    Phaithe Alchemy 125 Handcrafting 143
  15. Phaith

    What to play?

    I've played a Templar to 29 and a Ranger to 20 in production, and then a Chanter to 20 in beta a couple times. So, those are the only references I have. The first thing I noticed is the play is different with these classes than what you might expect if you've been playing like classes in...