Recent content by neonpsyke

  1. N


    Greetings SC2 players ^_^ I hail from the WoW side and quit recently. Then I found myself firing up Starcraft II again after too long. I'd love to find more people to game with and improve alongside. I'm on evenings to past midnight. I look forward to some good games ;) sipseki 155
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    The good folks at Redeemed ^_^

    Hello and good day. I played a rogue recently in your guild (worgen - Matheu) and unfortunately moved on ($$$ issues and stuff). Yet I wanted to come back here and let you all know I had a great time with you all on there and that I'm grateful you let me play with you. I wish you guys the...
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    A beautiful show. I loved every step of it.
  4. N

    The Great Redeemed Gnome Run!

    Sounds fun, but the goal seems a tad extreme lol. Running a gnome to GARROSH sounds like an all day event at the least hehe.
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    Beach Party!

    be there or be square?? ^_^
  6. N

    Hello ^_^

    Thank you for your help and patience Flame ^_^
  7. N

    Hello ^_^

    Hello I hail from the Saints under direction from a few of my friends playing here with you and would like to join you. I look forward to a fun time and if anyone needs some extra stabby action I'd be glad to ^^