Recent content by MyBrainHz

  1. M


    I also use WowAceUpdater, and almost exclusively use Ace2 addons, except for Necrosis. My main, must have addons: Necrosis - absolute must have for warlocks Bartender - to configure my bars/buttons FuBar (with associated plugins) Auctioneer AuldLangSyne - allows you to add comments to friends...
  2. M

    Hi all. :)

    Hi Moxie... I know for sure you can contact Malacandra (that's my main), Vallados, or Anifinity for an invite. I *think* the other officers can invite as well, so do a "/who mustard" when online and ask around. Happy to have you!
  3. M

    Prayer Meeting

    Thanks for organizing this YJ. We had about 8 people participate and it went great!
  4. M

    Forget Saturday, we're gonna try Monday!

    I think I can make it. I'll try to get kids in bed a bit early so I'll be there on time.
  5. M

    I'll Be Back

    I will also be unavailable Thursday (and Saturday too, in all likelihood)... going out of town to see my folks for the weekend.
  6. M

    poll for thursday

    Having already voted for Scholo, I realize that both it and Strat are likely a bit beyond the level range of our usual Thursday night crew. BRD would be fun to do (and there's certainly many, many quests located there) but I'd be willing to go ST or even ZF again if that's the consensus...
  7. M

    poll for thursday

    I heart Scholo by the way. It's my favorite instance in Azeroth.
  8. M

    poll for thursday

    Since there was some confusion about what the abbrevations mean, allow me to clarify, with level ranges: Zul'Farrak (40s) Sunken Temple (aka the Temple of Atal'Hakkar, 50s) Scholomance (upper 50s) Stratholme (upper 50s)
  9. M

    Heres the poll for the 31ist

    voted for Sunken Temple, although the next instance I ought to to run should probably be Zul'Farrak
  10. M

    ToJ's 8th Anniversary Celebration!!!!

    Malacandra will be there. I always enjoy a nice bit of PVP. I'll bring a bag full of soul shards so I can summon anyone else who would like to attend, particularly lower levels who may have a hard time getting to STV. See you there!
  11. M

    Instance for Thursday

    As of Tuesday, I had cast my vote with Vallados for running Uldaman, but now I doubt I'll even be able to log on tonight, as I will be finishing up on building a new computer for my wife. Sorry guys! :eek:
  12. M

    Guild Bank Goodies

    Kleburg I just sent a bunch of medium and heavy leather (and some assorted hides) to the bank, so if you need gear for your characters, see if some of our esteemed leatherworkers can make some for you. I am going to try to keep the bank stocked up with leather and herbs as best I can. If you...
  13. M

    Instance request list

    I withdraw my SFK request... Ogoke and I 2 manned it this weeknd. I didn't realize it but at 32 I was too high to be in there, even though all the quests were still green to me.
  14. M

    Instance request list

    Malacandra is almost to 31 and has 3 green quests in Shadowfang Keep that I'd like to take care of. But pretty soon I'll be at the point where I can actually contribute in SM too (the other night in Library all I could do was Curse of Recklessness to keep mobs from fleeing, I don't think I did...