Recent content by jamdrew

  1. J

    Rammus taunts everyone video

    Ahri: ...oh wait, how you gonna taunt ahri with dat ult?
  2. J

    most adorable champions.

    #1 - Ahri #2 - Ahri #3 - Ahri #4 - Ahri #5 - Bunny girl riven
  3. J

    who is the worst fed champion?

    give my ahri 10-0 and you WILL NOT KILL ME...give me ahri in general and you won't kill me. Between the taunt full combo spell vamp and akali dash to ANYWHERE. She's the bestest
  4. J

    Ahri is my new fave

    jaMx currently 7 kill 3.5 death 6 assist (3.9 kda) average in ranked through 30ish games...sadly that only equates to about 55% ranked at 1600s :( In normals I literally win 90% of my games with that taunt on an ad carry - GG
  5. J

    My attempt at getting back on LoL Forums...

    I wrote this letter as a plea to get unbanned :( Riot Staff, I was wondering if you could look into my permanent ban for the forums. I was originally banned for a week because I "necro'd" 3-4 forums that were originally posted in 2009. I haven't received any warnings or anything previously...
  6. J

    Intrested in learning?

    ahr I Smart CAst ALL THe things
  7. J

    Intrested in learning?

    I play a lot of champions and got a new computer that can stream...if anyone is interested i'll start updating this thread for when I stream. I can offer some insights on different champions, runes, masteries, randomness etc. let me know~
  8. J

    Who is interested in a ranked team?

    just thought i'd say I'd be willing to play some...currently I'm at 1580 in solo Q my best atm are nocturne, riven, ahri, cait, janna I play: AP MID: kennen, ahri, annie AD Bot: cait, vayne, ezreal Top: Riven, GP, Udyr, WW, Cho, singed jungle: nocturne, skarner, udyr, lee sin
  9. J

    Skill recommendations?

    21-0-9 or 21-9-0 for ad carries...fixed that for you
  10. J

    Rune recommendations?

    reds: magic penetration yellows: health/level blues: ap/level quints: flat AP yellows make you a lot more tanky making you more resilliant to ganks, flat quints to give you extra lane sustain with your passive, yellows/blues will give you bonus while you are able to stay in lane for entire...
  11. J

    I Just got banned from LoL forums ;(

    Funny how riot doesnt care about insulting koreans, calling people that die idiot feeders, afking after someone doesn't get to play tryn, evelynns that go 0-25 with revive/teleport, people building 6 warmogs, complaints about riot's champion releases, rage at phreaks spotlight delays, highly...
  12. J

    since when do ad's always bot?

    viegar>any carry everytime. Early DFG allows him to still 1 shot you. Basically you want to have an AP carry mid because their spells/skills become significantly stronger as they level up faster unlike an ad carry where most of their damage is coming from right click. Getting level 18 fast...
  13. J

    101 Things I hate To Lose Against

    you forget jam es #1 never lose
  14. J

    League of Legends Dominion preview

    i'm really excited about this new game type. I think the champions i play the most are going to work really well here. Mobility + Sustainability will own this map!
  15. J

    SO These Banners...

    Well no harm intended...promise am spr straight~ ask don't do that nm rofl