Recent content by Gorlaf

  1. G

    Team Omega Naxxramus Roll Call

    Wow.. willing to renew subscription just for this run.. looks alot of fun with Bob!!!
  2. G

    Naxx. Raid progression.

    Was online when it happened... grats you guys!!!!
  3. G

    Team Omega Naxxramus Roll Call

    I think my hunter is eligible for 10 man.. willing to play with Bob. Neil
  4. G

    DPS, Gear, and Self-Worth

    Thanks for this thread. I have been doubting my DPS as a hunter the last while, afraid of joining heroics and 10 or 25 mans. I know I have some good gear already but am afraid of letting others down, which is why I solo or help in lower dungeons often. I needed this reminder that the...
  5. G

    Interest in 10 Man Naxx Runs

    I'm not sure if I'm geared enough, but I would be interested in joining a run in Gimilich... whichever one that needs a noob DPS :( Neil
  6. G

    Complete Crafting Compilation

    I can make: Gimilich (Leatherworking) The Felstalker set Clefthide Leg Armor Stylin' Crimson Hat
  7. G

    Onyxia's Lair

    I'm ready all weekend... I have it off :) I still would like to kill Scryer, Dave... whenever you and Jon are bored?
  8. G

    Onyxia's Lair

    Now that everyone completed the jailbreak that wanted to (and watched Onyxia's troops get massacred in Stormwind by 70's visiting), our next step is to enter the cave in Wintermoon. From reading the wowhead description, Jon and Dave could stealth their way in, but I don't think me or Stacy...
  9. G

    Onyxia's Lair

    This trip didn't work, because we didn't realize we needed to talk the ghost to get the quest for the Shadowforge Key. We're trying again this Tuesday (November 20) with Baraach (Dave S.) having the key... we may need a healer... (like always) Neil
  10. G


    And I do too on my 60 hunter... so obviously ZF is covered, Randy if you want to visit there again. Stacy, with BRD Tuesday night, let's not plan for anything with Jaeda this week (unless you want to level her that quickly :-)
  11. G

    Onyxia's Lair

    The plan is now for tonight (Tuesday Nov. 6) to "jailbreak" Marshall Windsor (including killing the bosses to get the fragments). We have 4 people (all 60+) so not much xp, but if anyone has the questline this far and wants to join, find our note on the calendar or whisper me (Gimilich). Neil
  12. G

    Onyxia's Lair

    Baraach and I got our escort quest requirements this weekend... if you're willing to help with the "Jailbreak" quest, let me (Gimilich) know. Dave would rather wait for later in the week... Neil
  13. G

    Onyxia's Lair

    Let me check the group calendar... I may have quoted the wrong day, Dave for the Sunken Temple trip.
  14. G


    I would miss WoW for the Blue Man Group as well... I don't blame you!!! I would like to see Dire Maul as well, but I'm ready for BRD when you are. See my other posting about Onyxia... we'll have help if we want to tackle her. I can't wait to play Ramparts with you either. Neil
  15. G


    Stacy and husband, I hope you had an enjoyable vacation (I realize I haven't found out the quiet half's name, Stacy!!!). I missed our times together, but completed Princess, ZF and Sunken Temple. I'll try them again gladly with you, though... Outlands is boring right now! Pick a...