Recent content by DaddyDazzle

  1. DaddyDazzle

    who to contact for invite at launch?

    oh slick! one more thing GW2 does right. lol thanks for the clarification!
  2. DaddyDazzle

    who to contact for invite at launch?

    gotcha. so just wait for an invite whenever i log in then. i'm assuming the leadership will have us on a friends list or something and just keep checking, crossing off names? idk. whatever works, just wanted to figure it out since launch is almost here. i may or may not be on the first day.
  3. DaddyDazzle

    who to contact for invite at launch?

    i've posted my info into that thread. so we don't contact anyone on launch? we just wait for an invite from an officer hoping we're online?
  4. DaddyDazzle

    who to contact for invite at launch?

    i may have missed it, but i was trying to find out who we should be contacting in game for a guild invite at launch? didn't want to be the lone wolf standing around w/o any friends. lol
  5. DaddyDazzle

    Official Legacy of Elijah Enrollment Thread

    ToJ: Ddazzle GW2: DaddyDaz.5193
  6. DaddyDazzle

    Want To Build A New PC

    was lookin for a new PC myself. may have to check this out a bit more as well. thanks for the links.