Recent content by codyburk7

  1. codyburk7

    Snowball Dominance...Wow

    Wow, Ryan. Thanks for the tips. I was following the wiki using the one at a time method and I was beating it, but it was taking forever. Now my Ranger is just plowing through it.
  2. codyburk7

    The Calculator is out for HoM, how far are you?

    I just finally got into the twenties. I'm thinking about elite armor sets and how to go about it. I would like to get the Kurz elite, but the amount of copper needed is a little overwhelming. The price has come down some, but not enough. What's the best way to accumulate faction? Drazach...
  3. codyburk7

    So, you need some help?

    I can't believe how often I've seen people asking for 60-80k for elite armor sets. It's really ridiculous. There seem to be one or two people in particular that I'm starting to notice always asking for the elite stuff.
  4. codyburk7

    Friday Night Event

    Well, if we go I just got my Ele through NF so he would be available for whenever.
  5. codyburk7

    Friday Night Event

    I'll be there on Friday. Honestly, whatever other people want is fine with me because I need them all. I can bring my Ranger or, with enough lead time, possibly my Ele depending on where. My Ele is halfway through Proph and NF so either could be finished by Friday if I put Hearts of the...
  6. codyburk7

    Mac Update Issues

    Fixed, or at least I think. After a lot of Googling I found a solution. I doubt many other people are using Macs (if anyone), but if anyone ever has trouble with this let me know and I should be able to help.
  7. codyburk7


    Chile Ele Jay became a Legendary Survivor early this afternoon. I think those weavers up by Vlox's Falls are really starting to hate me. They were giving me 7,000 xp a run in around 3 minutes. Thanks to everyone who helped out at one point or another. Ursen, thanks for all the advice. I...
  8. codyburk7

    Friday Night - Domain of Anguish

    Well guys, it looks like I'm not going to be able to make it tonight. That update yesterday has shut GW down on my Mac. I've been trying to find a solution and some way to reinstall the game, but it's just not happening. Pretty frustrating. Sorry. Have fun.
  9. codyburk7

    Mac Update Issues

    Does anyone else play on a Mac? I use Crossover Games and the newest update to the game has killed Guild Wars on my computer. I logged on last night, the game updated fine, and then I closed the program to finish some other things I had to do. When I tried to open it again I just get an...
  10. codyburk7

    Friday Night - Domain of Anguish

    I just checked my inventory and I have a full 2 sets, might possibly have 3 by Friday. With Abba's that makes at least 5. Looks like we're in good shape.
  11. codyburk7

    Friday Night - Domain of Anguish

    I'm really excited, too. I'm anxious to see this Glaiveway in action. I always love new builds. That said, I have 1 con already sitting in storage that I will definitely bring. After that, I think that I have another 1 or 2 of each minus the Essence of Celerity. I'll pick at least one more...
  12. codyburk7

    Friday Night - Domain of Anguish

    I'm in. I'll have to bring my Ranger. He could easily carry a Glaive build if need be. I run SoS on him all the time and it works great with a high energy staff. We had talked about possibly trapping the other night also. I could give that a shot. I have a good build that I've used to farm...
  13. codyburk7


    Wow!! Congrats, Ursen. This weekend was huge for the survivors. I'm coming right on your tail. I just need another 300,000 and I'll have it.
  14. codyburk7

    Survivor Tips

    Ahhh, Abba, I'm sorry. The Drought almost got me twice, too. I had to get some help on that one. He is one scary dude without pain inverter. I tried to put spiteful spirit on him with one of my heroes, but it was no where even close to the damage done by PI. He wiped my party both times in...
  15. codyburk7

    Events for Elite Areas

    I would love to give it a try again. With the exception of Ravenheart Gloom I think we did really well. If we could get a tank I think that we could run it.