Recent content by CelestialAlchemist

  1. C


    Is it a guild standard that's permanently taped to you?:p:D lol
  2. C

    We're not alone on Red Eye

    heya guys, its Drawmeclose here. Just found out we're not going to be the only Christian Order guild on the Red Eye Mountain server. I've been surfing a few of the WAR forums while waiting to pick my copy up tomorrow (WOOT WOOT) and found out that there is another christian guild called Lions of...
  3. C

    Alcorn Introduction

    And I'm the sole Aussie undermining both East and West coasters in order to take over:D And Drawmeclose welcomes you:p
  4. C

    Keeping names?

    Drawmeclose shall be making a reappearance for sure! Now if i can just decide what class to roll on order.......gah so many choices! lol
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    Gaming Systems - need opinions

    Im actually having second thoughts about my system being multi-gpu, whether i go ati or nvidia. From what ive seen the only game that really requires sli/xfire is Crysis, most other games ive seen run fine with just a single decent graphics card. Plus im thinking of getting either a 19" or 22"...
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    Gaming Systems - need opinions

    Hey guys. As some of you know im in the middle of building a new pc, lol and having trouble deciding between nvidia and radeon after all the new cards that have been released. So i thought the best thing to do would be to post a couple specs, one for radeon, the other for geforce, and get some...
  7. C

    I'm baaaaack

    Thanks:) Hopefully i can get on tonight on ym dads laptop so i can see if any items or anything are missing form my bank. I checked out the paid character transfer ot see exactly where i toons were, and thats how i found out my named had been changed. Checked it on the armory, most of my...
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    I'm baaaaack

    Guess what guys? I'm baaaaaack. It's Drawmeclose here. Some of you guys may know that a so-called friend ran off with my account. I finally found out what happened. Turns out he had traded the account, since he thought it was now his account coz i was planning on going to uni:mad:. After that...
  9. C

    Custom PC Specs, What do you guys think?

    Ok, i've revised my pc. For now I'm building a gaming pc, and maybe some basic graphics work, nothing too intensive for about a year or two. Plus I wanted to see if I could knock some of the cost off the computer, as I'm on a bit of a budget atm. This is what I'm looking at atm, and this time im...
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    Custom PC Specs, What do you guys think?

    Guess i should have posted the prices for the different pieces of hardware. All up the system is going to cost AU$2449, I dont know how much that would be in american dollars. And about the Quad Core CPU I chose, it costs AU$351.30, while a core 2 duo e6600 costs AU$298.10, so the quad core...
  11. C

    Custom PC Specs, What do you guys think?

    Thought I'd post what im currently looking at putting into my custom built gaming pc. Originally I started with a budged of AU$2300, but with that the case left a bit to be desired, as it was just a bare basic blank midi case, and onyl 3 small fans. But LO AND BEHOLD, for an extra AU$144, i've...
  12. C

    Winter Kara Teams!!!

    Drawmeclose here. Could i be put on Saz's team? Been running with tehm ever since I stareted kara, and im sticking with 'em
  13. C

    Which desktop?

    Is the computer shown in in US dollars? If so, it's more expenisve for me, since that'd work out to be at least AU$3500, lol since im live over in australia.
  14. C

    Which desktop?

    Ah, you mean the Dell XPS 720? Yah, thats the one i was leaning towards. Not to mention with Dell over here in australia, you get free upgrades, delivery and discount on the prices depending on what deals they have going each month And mainly looking at it for gaming, and getting into 3D...
  15. C

    Which desktop?

    As many of you may know (lol oh, and its Drawmeclose:P)I've been looking at buying a new desktop pc, and I've askd pople in the guild about their preferences. I figured it would be easier if i posted links to the computers I'm looking at. I'd like to hear everyone's opinions on them, and which...