Box of Noodles

my name is derived from a TF2 youtuber who has a fondness for bizarre aliases when playing in servers.
Hello, I am the Box of Noodles. There is none other like me. Whether it be pasta or spaghetti, I am your hero and savior. Not really.
I am a Christian believer and follower, and enjoy playing TF2. I've developed somewhat of a recognition for being the map selector in the group, though I am always willing to let someone else choose a map if they so desired.
As members go, I'm fairly new to the ToJ group overall, less than a year, but I've made some friends and it's been a great experience. Let's keep it going! :D

TF2, Animation, My Little Pony (Gen 4), Smash Bros., The Legend of Zelda
Richmond, Virginia
Animation.... Student? I guess?


Take a moment to listen to the sound of the wind, it's beautiful out there. Just avoid any snipers while you do so.




  1. 2

    Somebody Likes You

    Somebody out there liked one of your messages. Keep posting like that for more!
  2. 1

    "Hello, World!"

    Awarded with your first post.