Recent content by Alohangel516

  1. Alohangel516

    A WoW player's guide to FFXIV...

    thanks for the post :)
  2. Alohangel516

    Town Hall Meeting #1

    we only had a few people show up to the town hall meeting, it was a lot of fun though... hopefully for the next one (whenever we decide to have it that is) more people will show up :) looking forward to seeing all of you in the game though.
  3. Alohangel516

    Official CE Countdown Thread!!!

    WOOT!!! Loving this Game!!!!
  4. Alohangel516

    The Guildleve reset times... :)

    thanks Xion for the info...
  5. Alohangel516

    What classes are you choosing and why

    Conjurer... I have always liked the magic better than the hands on... Probably because if I could I would do it in real life... Might also be because I'd be to scared to be "in" the action... and I like healing people :)
  6. Alohangel516

    FFXIV Piano Covers

    That is awesome... thanks for posting it... :)
  7. Alohangel516

    Buddy Pass request thread...

    I have one as well... if someone needs it that is... seems there are a lot of people that have an extra one though...
  8. Alohangel516

    *BIG* News from the Pre-release party...

    That is really neat that you get to see it in stages too.... it's not just magically done...
  9. Alohangel516

    End of Open Beta...

    That way since we will be on and wondering what to do we will all have something to do... lol :D
  10. Alohangel516

    Official CE Countdown Thread!!!

    Can't wait!!! Is it here yet?
  11. Alohangel516

    Opening Cinematic!
