Get to know your Guildees! =)


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Get to know your Guildees! (*edited)

~I adapted this idea from my guild in Guild Wars.~

In order to help us get to know each other better, please post in this thread.

This thread is only for introducing yourself, please limit yourselves to 1 post per person. No specific information is required and if you are under 18, please limit the information you post to respect any limits your parents may have set for you in respect to personal information online.

Name: Will
Primary Character: WillDaShammy (Draenei Shaman)
Age: 37
Status: Married (16yrs), 2 sons, 3 dogs (2 Boxers & a Daschund/Chihuahua mix)
Game Achievement I'm most proud of atm: "Fast and Furious"
Favorite Class: Shaman
Favorite Profession: Alchemist
PvE Goals: Get to Lvl 80!! To one day raid with Redeemed would be pretty sweet!
PvP Goals: Try to survive those sneaky Druids! Eventually, join in on some World PvP
*Favorite Bible verse: Romans 8:38-39
Other random facts about me: I was in the military for 9 yrs. I've met a President & Vice President. I love the Chicago Bears!
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Name: Mike
Primary Character: Shelby (Draenei Deathtank)
Age: 36
Status: Married (6yrs), 2 girls (twins)
Achievement I'm most proud of: Been raiding with Red since the very 1st one (Molten Core)
Favorite Class: Deathknight
Favorite Profession: Cooking
PvE Goals: To become a server renown Tank
PvP Goals: 2500 personal rating
Other random facts about me: Lived in Italy for 3 years, Worked for Tree IRL, Attended many Icthus BBQs and Redeemed reunions.
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There is one of these from 5 years back, maybe it's time to redo it:

Name: Avesther
Primary Character: Avesther (NE Priest)
Age: 37
Status: Married 19 years, one son
Achievement I'm most proud off: Being the smooth jazz man on MC raids
Favorite Class: Priest
Favorite Profession: Enchanting
PvE Goals: pwn Arthas. Anybody who kills papa, deserves the blade
PvP Goals: This time to survive 3 seconds
Other random facts about me: I was the second Redeemed GL, I was the GL when we moved from Illidan to Stonemaul. Only my wife has more days played then I. And I love everything about Calgary! And I've met a bunch of ya's guys!
Name: Mike
Primary Character: Monoxyde (dwarf rogue)
Age: 33
Status: Married (9yrs), 2 girls, 1 boy
Achievement I'm most proud of: (whoops wow achievement i get it!) Sergeant Major (and one day Battlemaster)
Favorite Class: warlock/rogue its a draw
Favorite Profession: engineering
PvE Goals: To learn how to raid
PvP Goals: Battlemaster Monoxyde
Other random facts about me: I was in a christian rapcore band called LoPhat, we played at cornerstone, varios high profile places in our town and produced 2 profesional cds along with opening for Pillar at a local concert. I am a pvp geek.
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Name: Icthus
Primary Character: Icthus
Age: 40
Status: Married (18yrs), daughter, son and dog
*Achievement I'm most proud of: Reuniting Redeemed and leading her into BC
Favorite Class: Priest
Favorite Profession: Fishing
PvE Goals: Enjoy the game and the people in Redeemed
PvP Goals: This game has PvP?
*Favorite Bible verse: Phil. 1:21
Other random facts about me: I had at one point met every Guild Leader of Redeemed in person but CGamer and Meli.
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Name: Chris
Primary Character: Mordos (Human Warrior)
Age: 32
Status: Married (6yrs), 1 Boy (10yrs), 1 girl (Almost 5)
Achievement I'm most proud of: Chosen by God
Favorite Class: ?? Middle
Favorite Profession: God's work
PvE Goals: Non at the moment
PvP Goals: ROFL... this one is funny
Favorite Bible verses: Isaiah 53
Other random facts about me: I'm a DBA that God is moving into His work and it's a bit scary and exciting at the same time. I've been a Gamer al the way back to Commadore64, Atari and intelavision. And father back if you count Table top games. I'm been gameing for a very long time. Now I read a whole lot!
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Name: Tara
Primary Character: Goblit/Chalice
Age: not quite as old as Icthus
Status: Married (almost 19 years), 1 son, 1 cockatiel, 1 dog, 2 cats
Achievement I'm most proud of: helping organize/lead the very first Redeemed raid with Draaco and Young and helping create Team Eternity
Favorite Class: prot pally atm
Favorite Profession: inscription atm
PvE Goals: to see the end of Ulduar
PvP Goals: to win when ganked
Favorite Bible verse: Psalm23
Other random facts about me: I have met many members of Redeemed irl, Godspeon/Avesther is my husband, Burnin/Avie is my son, I like to lead raids and plan events ingame, ride my bike, and help people.
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Name: Tom
Primary Character: Gilga / drood
Age: 34
Status: Married (1 year!), 9-year-old stepson, 1 very small fish
Achievement I'm most proud of: Googledocs! And The Staff! And the Chocolate Cake recipe after 200+ tries! And helping Icthus (and many others) with the reunificaiton.
Favorite Class: druid. Not sure why people play any othre class except Mordos because he just doesn't like NEs.
Favorite Profession: Leatherworking, because all druids wear leather all the time (right Wall?)
PvE Goals: to raid again some day
PvP Goals: to successfully run away when Hordies try to gank me
Favorite Bible verse: Proverbs 3:5-6
Other random facts about me: The daughter of the guy who "created" WoW is in my stepson's 4th grade class. He has a nice car!
Name: Chunlin
Primary Character: Terascan
Age: 29
Status: Married (7mon) :)
Achievement I'm most proud of: once i ate so much i didn't have to eat again for 24hours and ate not 'cause i was hungry but i felt bad and should eat
Favorite Class: Deathknight
Favorite Profession: first aid - nice and easy and everyone can do it
PvE Goals: to raid and have fun will guildies
PvP Goals: to kill horde and have fun will guildies
Other random facts about me: i still play pokemon :P (you can't bring WoW on a plane, so a DS will have to do)
Name: Geri
Primary Character: Schmeea Rogue
Age: older than most....
Status: Divorced 2 boys both in college; one dog...errr girl errr empress
Game Achievement I'm most proud of atm: being able to have fun with other christians all over the world
Favorite Class: Haven't found one I don't like
Favorite Profession: engineering- gnomish - it's a Blast (scuse the pun)
PvE Goals: Get to Lvl 80!! to learn more about rogues and upping dps
PvP Goals: work on finding an arena buddy or buddies
*Favorite Bible verse: Gal. 5: fruits of the spirit
Other random facts about me: I worked as a deputy sheriff for 11 1/2 years; grew up an air force brat and love being outdoors :rolleyes:
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Name: Joe
Primary Character: Lloren (Holy Pally)
Age: 32
Status: Married (6yrs), 2 girls and 1 boy
Achievement I'm most proud of: I'll get back to you on that one.
Favorite Class: Paladin
Favorite Profession: Fishing
PvE Goals: Demolish the Lich King with Redeemed!
PvP Goals: 2000 personal rating
Other random facts about me: Attended a spanish seminary in Costa Rica, love living in Montucky!
Name: Jon
Primary Character: Fjorboug (Fire mage)
Age: 29
Status: Married (7yrs)
Achievement I'm most proud of: Having every recipe on Fjorboug (warrior) during the BC expansion.
Favorite Class: Warrior
Favorite Profession: Cooking
PvE Goals: Enjoy the game with fellow Christians.
PvP Goals: If its red its dead!
Other random facts about me: Used to be a guild leader for Redeemed as well as a main tank for a while. (weeps for his warrior that he gave away)
Name: steve
Primary Character: Baldey, druid
Age: 52
Status: married (29 years), 2 sons: Josh (24) and Clay (22)
Game Achievement I'm most proud of: Never thought i'd get a character to 60 and now have almost 3....(3rd one is 78)
Favorite Class: Druid! (see gilga)
Favorite Profession: Jewel Crafting
PvE Goals: Get 3rd 80 and get better at druid/priest/mage play
PvP Goals: Survive ganks not pvp really
*Favorite Bible verse: Luke 6:40
Other random facts about me: Started playing wow because of youngest son. I like lvl'ing more than raiding generally. I ride dirt bikes and i am a pastor in San Jose.
Name: Scott
Primary Character: today? Vahlsyndri. Will likely switch to Amythest when she hits 80
Age: A week younger than Goblit
Status: Married (17 years this Sunday), 2 boys, 1 girl
Achievement I'm most proud of: Surviving 3 days IRL with Goblit and Avesther, and pointing out how often Goblit uses 'oot' to end a word. :D
Favorite Class: Warlock, no, Deathknight, no, Druid, no Shadow Pr---oh look, something shiny!!
Favorite Profession: Buying stock in TreeCo Inc.
PvE Goals: Actually being able to make some Redeemed raids before they're on the last boss
PvP Goals: Gank the gankers (I love doing that!)
Favorite Bible verse: Ephesians 2:10 (see my sig!)
Other random facts about me: I also survived rooming for 2 years with Icthus in college. More accurately, I'd say he survived rooming with me.
Name: Lisa
Primary Character: Goodwone
Age: older then most of you, respect your elders.
Status: Married 17 years to Citgrad, one son, Champoflight
Achievement I'm most proud of: mom and wife
Favorite Class: tank,warrior.
Favorite Profession: jewelcrafting, alchemy
PvE Goals: pwn Ulduar
PvP Goals: live through gankings......
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Name: Matthew
Primary Character: Grimbeorn
Age: 19
Status: Unmarried, Electrical and Computer Engineering student at Baylor University
Achievement I'm most proud of: Being accepted into God's kingdom? Not that I did much to get that one...
Favorite Class: Tank, either druid or paladin.
Favorite Profession: The one that gets me stuff.
PvE Goals: Be the best I can be
PvP Goals: Would be cool to get some arena gear the required a rating at some point... but I probably will never spend enough time for that.
Other random facts about me: I was a defense attorney for my team at the Texas state mock trial competition. Got nicknamed "Spock" because one of my coaches said I sometimes made him feel like Kirk trying to get Spock to show emotion (I am known for being logical and unemotional).
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Name: Heath
Primary Character: atm: Alhana (Shadow Priest)
Age: 32
Status: Married 7 years, no kids, 2 dogs, Boston Terrier & Yellow Lab
Game Achievement I'm most proud of atm: Making the effort to play a Night Elf
Favorite Class: Priest....Shadow kind
Favorite Profession: Tailoring
PvE Goals: To get UVerse and raid again
PvP Goals: Justicar title
*Favorite Bible verse: Rom. 8:28 - 28And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.
Other random facts about me: I'm attending seminary through Moody Bible Institute online
Name: Matt
Primary Character: Mattiah (Resto Shammy)
Age: 37
Status: Married (16yrs), 3 kids; 2 daughters (16, 14), 1 son (9), 3 dogs (2 mini Schouzers & an Australian Shepard)
Game Achievement I'm most proud of atm: Saving enough money for my first epic flyier. (Thanks to Tree for buying a Glyph of Mastery Book from me :D )
Favorite Class: Shaman
Favorite Profession: Alchemist (cheapest and easiest for me to level)
PvE Goals: Heal the most in whatever raid I'm in.
PvP Goals: Pwn those that try to gank me!
*Favorite Bible verse: Jer 29:11 (It's my wife's fav too ((Jeresther))
Other random facts about me: Proudfoot pestered me to try WoW out. I started playing December 19, 2006 11:46:34 AM. Three 80's later, I still prefer leveling to end game. My goals are achieved much quicker that way. I also teach High School Bible study on Friday nights with my wife, Jeresther.

Name: Jason
Primary Character: Goldbullet
Age: 30
Status: Married with step children
Game Achievement I'm most proud of atm: "Skills to Pay the Bills"
Favorite Class: Warrior
Favorite Profession: Mining
PvE Goals: Get Better
PvP Goals: None
*Favorite Bible verse: I have many.....Proverbs 20:24
Other random facts about me: I am a Marine.
Name: Mike
Primary Character: Xaveor (Night Elf Hunter)
Age: 18
Status: About to graduate from High school :)
Game Achievement I'm most proud of atm: Not sure...
Favorite Class: Hunter
Favorite Profession: Mining
PvE Goals: See all the content this game has to offer
PvP Goals: Uh... Not die since it's really difficult to PvP with satellite internet
*Favorite Bible verse: John 15:13
Other random facts about me: I have a twin (Xymnas), I've played competitive soccer since I was 5 and I love it.