A team's Hunters


New Member
they are all 0/41/20

or something around those lines..
one of em is 3/20/38 n has 4 pieces of t6..

idk, kinda thinking about trying it out..

ready? discus.
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btw while i'm spamming a new thread here might as well be kinda productive..

anyone in guild do dexterity to boots?
i have all the mats n what not. just need someone to do it.

anyways, thanks.
That looks like a good pvp type spec. Missing silence shot would be a downer for some small things and not having true shot bonus for raids is also a bit of a downer, but that looks like an awesome spec. Might go for something really similar on my hunter; thinking about dragging her out of the mold she's been sitting in for 2 years now.
trueshot arua is KEY for MM hunters. to be without it is almost like being a ret pally DPS..

(oo snap)

jk :D
A team hunters are specced like that because their gear gives them so much AP they will get a bigger bonus from MM! I haven't bothred to look up blakkcloud in awhile, he is the best hunter on server.
Also, just a guess, but people have been saying that the Magister's Terrace is a horrible raid instance for BM hunters so far. Along with what Foxbeast said, I think they're also just playing a step ahead for their new dungeon.
they are also hardcore raiders, BM has never been a hardcore raiding build. it wasn't as bad as most thought but a-team probably wants every little bit they can get and if you dont like it dont raid heh
BM is a great spec for starting instances for raiding. You get the most dmg for your stats... but as your AP grows you are better offgoing MM... or if you can get 600 AGL go Survival (700+ is ideal)