Devona's Tavern - the new Off-topic thread

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Not on the DS but I have only owned one for a few months and hope to get more games in the future

PopCorn Boy
LOL Animal Crossing is the only DS game I own!

I also have some GBA games I play on it, and three DS games on loan from Ishylynn (used to be in our guild; still in Mustard Seed Conspiracy).
By the by... Maid, what's Animal Crossing like, what's the replayability, what's it about, etc. My cousin owns it, but she "beat" it and lost interest fairly quickly. I'd also like to keep my public status as one who doesn't waste money on silly little games. :p
now if you want a good game get Mega Man battle net 3 specifically blue version (i wasnt to partial to white) that was a good game and it like NEVER ends, not in the bad way. there is always something to do and it has lots of challenges. i love that game
Is posting on-topic in an off-topic thread actually off-topic? I guess it wouldn't matter, because that would be the goal of the thread.... ARGH!!! MY BRAIN HURTS!
my head hurts given that i have about 30 pages of notes for various classes to copy by hand each night till i graduate is worse...i gotta copy those every night until the 26th of may...if i dont end up in an asylum first...
By the by... Maid, what's Animal Crossing like, what's the replayability, what's it about, etc. My cousin owns it, but she "beat" it and lost interest fairly quickly. I'd also like to keep my public status as one who doesn't waste money on silly little games. :p
Huh? You can't "beat" Animal Crossing! It's open-ended. That doesn't even make sense...

I mean it literally. There is no "winning" Animal Crossing. You just play, and collect, and try to unlock everything.

colige sounds scarry now I dont know if i want to do it
Yes you do. Get to class, young man!

Seriously, college IS hard work, but that's why it's valuable. How valuable are degrees that you don't have to actually WORK for?
I hate my yard! :mad: I spent all this time away from you'all weeding my yard and how does it repay me? With a whole crop of new weeds! I give up :( Back to guild wars woot!

Kel Queen of all Europe
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